Новости доминик торн

Оказывается, что Доминик Торн когда-то пробовалась на роль Шури в первой «Чёрной Пантере», но проиграла кастинг Летиши Райт. Dominique Thorne: I think that transformation was definitely one of kind and I’m very grateful that I was able to do it. The character will be played by Dominique Thorne, who previously played a role in the Oscar nominated film If Beale Street Could Talk, and will appear in the film. Роль Железного сердца исполнит чернокожая актриса Доминик Торн, ее персонаж дебютирует в киновселенной Marvel во второй части сольника о Черной пантере «Ваканда навсегда».

Доминик Торн рассказала как получила роль Железного Сердца

Like Captain America (Anthony Mackie) before her, Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne) is largely considered a legacy character, one that takes up the mantle of a superhero that has moved on. новости, статьи по теме. Обсуждение, комментарии, все самое интересное и важное. Dominique Thorne made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever; and while Riri Williams is hardly the only one who knows how to.

Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека

Oн cпpocил, знaкoмa ли я c пepcoнaжeм Жeлeзнoe cepдцe, и пoинтepecoвaлcя, xoтeлa бы я cыгpaть eё. Я мoлчaлa, oжидaя, чтo oн cкaжeт чтo-тo вpoдe: «Я пpишлю мaтepиaлы для пpocлyшивaния, вы мoжeтe oтпpaвить cвoю зaпиcь дo тaкoгo-тo дня». B cлeдyющий paз Pиpи Уильямc мы yвидим в coльнoм cepиaлe «Жeлeзнoe cepдцe» , кoтopый выйдeт yжe в этoм гoдy.

It was my first time working with hairstylist Ikeyia Powell and makeup artist Karina Milan , and I thought they did a phenomenal job. Do you have a getting-ready playlist? I actually enjoy it. What came up was an insane crossing of paths and discovering that Karina and I went to the same high school, just a couple of years apart. That was really cool. Describe your look for the night.

Christopher Horne Hair is an intimate process for me so I sent Ikeyia some general reference photos. I sent three very different images all containing some form of braids, and Ikeyia came in and put her own spin on it using the braids I had. The hairstyle we ended up going with was a nod to Bantu knots but using a cornrow style, and the makeup artist said they were excited to try a red lip on me since they saw no red lips anywhere on my page.

Подпишись на наш канал в Яндекс Дзен Несмотря на то, что Железный человек в последнем фильме о «Мстителях» погиб, его персонажа возродят. Роль Железного сердца исполнит чернокожая актриса Доминик Торн, ее персонаж дебютирует в киновселенной Marvel во второй части сольника о Черной пантере «Ваканда навсегда». В оригинальном комиксе Рири Уильямс сама сделала броню и придумала себе «железное» прозвище.

I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role. So it was it was an awe, inspiring moment to think that I would be chosen to portray this woman and to bring her to the screen in this way. So yeah. What draws you in is the the ability to tell stories that mean something to people.

Ironheart’s Dominique Thorne Promises New Series Will Explore Iron Man Connection

One of the biggest reveals to come out of Disney's Investors Day was the news that Dominique Thorne will play Riri Williams in Disney+'s Ironheart show, & the actress has now spoken about. Sign up and we will email you daily with the best of our political and news coverage while also giving you a taste of our most-popular lifestyle, opinion and personal blogs. Доминик Торн родилась в Нью-Йорке в семье иммигрантов из Тринидада и Тобаго. Close up of Dominique Thorne.

Dominique Thorne to Lead ‘Ironheart’ for Disney+ and Marvel

Her Trinidadian accent is still recognisable under her New York tone. She says her father and grandfather Frank Morgan eventually helped in convincing her mother to accept her passion, which blossomed into a successful career as she earned a supporting role in Judas and the Black Messiah alongside A-list actor Daniel Kaluuya who won an Academy Award for his portrayal of senior Black Panther Party member Fred Hampton in the film. Thorne is among several actors with Trinidadian roots who have earned acclaim for their work over the years. Commenting on this success, Thorne says she feels their mannerisms make them natural storytellers.

So it was an awe, inspiring moment to think that I would be chosen to portray this woman and to bring her to the screen in this way. So yeah. Have you gone back to read the comic books. Marvel fans will expect you to know everything about the character.

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По словам актрисы, исполнитель роли Тони Старка рассудил о правильности наследия, а также напомнил, что Рири Уильямс должна развиваться в собственном направлении. Он сказал пару замечательных слов о том, как он верит в Рири Уильямс, и то, что она всегда должна быть самостоятельной личностью, со своей собственной историей. Рири Уильямс впервые появляется во второй части «Чёрной Пантеры». Увидеть героиню в броне Железного сердца можно здесь.

Dominique Thorne is excited for her new "Ironheart" series after starring in 'Black Panther 2'

Доминик Торн родилась в 1998 году в Нью-Йорке. Like Captain America (Anthony Mackie) before her, Riri Williams (Dominic Thorne) is largely a legacy character, one who takes on the mantle of the superhero who has moved on. Dominique Thorne. ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ Review: The King Is Dead.

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