Новости топ 50 бомбардировщиков нба

The NBA is celebrating its 75th anniversary this season, paying homage to those who made the league what it is today. The NBA’s Iron Men: 17 NBA Players with the Longest Consecutive Games Played Streak 56 views. Who lands in the top spot as the greatest NBA player of all time?

2023-24 NBA Season: Leaders Summary

Теперь Джеймс занимает второе место в списке самых результативных игроков в истории НБА. Форвард «Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс» Леброн Джеймс набрал 33 очка, 9 подборов и 9 передач во втором матче финала NBA против «Майами Хит». Главная» Новости» Лидеры команд нба 2024. Очередная порция игроков НБА из ТОП-50. Топ-трансферы 2023. Can you name the Top 50 single game scoring performances in the 2022-2023 NBA regular season?

Лучший игрок НБА прошлого сезона набрал 70 очков и побил клубный рекорд

Magic Johnson is almost universally recognized as the best. The subjectivity of it all is what makes for an amazing conversation. He was small. The voice that accompanied that all-too-perfect smile was soft and infectious. He was the common man. It was the humility that got him in the gym, nightly. He had a challenging childhood and came from a broken home.

Wade spent the early part of life navigating the South Side of Chicago. Nothing came easy. He was a giant in Boston sports and NBA history. Next to Blake Griffin , he turned a floundering franchise into a playoff regular and fringe contender. They went to the playoffs in all six of his seasons there. Facts only.

The greatest or hardest? The first?

From 2008 to 2016, he played with the Bulls.

He achieved all these wins while playing with the Bulls. Rajon Rondo The third player on our list is professional basketball player, Rajon Rondo. Rajon Rondo Source: Wikimedia.

Rondo last played for the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Minnesota Timberwolves selected him in the first round of the 2009 NBA draft as the fifth overall. Ricky Rubio Source: Wikimedia.

The Timberwolves traded Rubio to the Cavaliers in August 2021. He debuted with the Hornets and played with the franchise from 2005 to 2011. Conclusion So, these are the top 15 NBA players with the best dribbling ability.

Consequently, they are considered some of the best players in the NBA.

All he needs is the ball in his hands, a couple of other shooters on the floor, and a dependable big man. He is coming off the finest regular-season performance of his career, averaging 24. He is without a doubt one of the finest clutch shot makers in recent history.

A regular in any Top 50 NBA players list. Paul George Clippers Despite playing in only 31 games last season, Paul George recorded the second-highest scoring average of his career while battling injuries. When fit, he can guard most spots and is a high-volume threat from three. Devin Booker Suns Last season, Devin Booker showed that he could be the best player on the Suns, leading them to a league-high 64 victories.

He is a three-level scorer who is also a developing individual defender. Jimmy Butler Heat Jimmy Butler put up 27. The 22-year-old is undoubtedly one of the greatest young players in the game. Jayson Tatum Celtics Jayson Tatum is everything a club could want in a young wing.

He is maybe still a couple of years away from his genuine prime and is threatening to ascend this list swiftly in the coming years. In 2022, he averaged 30. Nevertheless, cannot leave him out of the Top 50 NBA players. Because of his stature and ability to get to the free-throw line, opposing teams scheme around him.

Last season, he averaged 30. His major issue is durability since he has only participated in 90 games over the previous two seasons. Still, KD is truly one of a kind. Looking ahead, he might become the closest thing to being unguardable if his three-point shooting improves even slightly.

Last season, he carried a Nuggets team that lacked its two best players. He shot 58.

К концу третьей четверти матча он уже набрал за «Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс» 36 очков против «Оклахома-Сити Тандер» и достиг отметки 38 388 очков за карьеру.

Он превзошел достижение Карима Абдул-Джаббара 38 387. Леброн, ты лучший бомбардир в истории НБА.

NBA Team Defensive Efficiency

Counting down the NBA's top 50 players for 2022-23 season: Nos. Очередная порция игроков НБА из ТОП-50. Историческое достижение покорилось 38‑летнему Джеймсу в матче регулярного чемпионата НБА с «Оклахомой».

NBA Top Games — Last 7 Days

But if Harden is on the court and engaged with the 76ers, they have a chance to compete with Milwaukee and Boston atop the East. If he can make a leap yet again this season, he could put himself in contention for an All-Star spot. Not surprisingly, that answer is tied in part to the fate of Harden in Philadelphia.

A Ton of Points Wilt Chamberlain is the first and as yet only player to have scored 100 points in a single game. The NBA is the biggest and most famous basketball competition in the world. It has given rise to several global basketball legends.

They have three gifted scorers, several role players, and Nurkic, I guess. Edwards is coming off a strong offseason with Team USA and is one of the most gifted athletes in the league. It would take a big leap similar to Gilgeous-Alexander last season, or Booker the year before , but Edwards has the talent to be in the conversation for years to come. Anthony Davis, Los Angeles Lakers The biggest thing holding Davis back along with the games played mandate , is playing with one of the best and most popular players in league history.

LeBron James will definitely steal the spotlight if the Lakers are dominant, but Davis was the most important player last season. He averaged 25. Share this article: Blogger who is a lover of all things basketball! Follow me on Twitter bykylegrondin , where you can read my complaints about your favorite team.

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У него их несколько, самым сложным кажется именно тот, который собирался дольше всего. Чудеса результативности Майкл начал показывать с первого же сезона, став лидером по общему числу очков, но звание лучшего бомбардира дается за среднее за игру, а там новичок был лишь третьим. Затем был год с травмой — зато потом, если Майкл проводил полный сезон за «Чикаго», то неизменно становился лучшим. И так 10 раз.

Почему считается вечным Посмотрите на победителей гонки после Майкла — обычно это игрок 26, 27, 28 лет. Лишь один старше 30 — Карри в позапрошлом году. В НБА теперь смена поколений происходит равномернее, и как только топ-скорер сбавляет темп хоть немного травмы, неудачный сезон, объединение в суперкоманду — разные сценарии , на первую строчку залетает более юный и голодный до рекордов конкурент. Ах да, есть еще такой фактор: столь же талантливый бомбардир, как Джордан, пока не родился. Кто обладал рекордом раньше Уилт — семь раз, причем все подряд.

И даже он после перехода в «Сиксерс» решил сменить баскетбольный профиль, стал больше ассистировать и меньше заботиться о собственной результативности. Кто подобрался ближе всего К 25 годам Кевин Дюрэнт уже четыре раза становился лучшим бомбардиром. Казалось, угроза рекорду Джордана есть — только вот потом Кей-Ди лишь однажды был в топ-5 сезона! И не потому что не мог, просто это перестало быть интересно Дюрэнту, зато стало краткосрочной целью для сменяющих друг друга Уэстбрука, Карри, Хардена. Кто может побить Эмбиид?

Потенциал и навыки, чтобы выиграть гонку бомбардиров 6-7 раз за карьеру, у них есть, но нет необходимости — чемпионский кубок за это не дают. На самом деле, ничего не дают: официального приза за лидерство по очкам в НБА нет. Добавьте к этому три овертайма и разреженный воздух Колорадо, из-за которого в овертайме уже ни у кого не было сил упираться в защите — и получите матч, в котором будущие члены Зала славы баскетбола Айзейя Томас и Алекс Инглиш набирают по 47 очков и все равно не становятся лучшими бомбардирами, потому что у Кики Вандевея — 51. Почему считается вечным Чтобы повторить такую результативность, нужны или еще более послабляющие атаку правила, или четырехочковые броски, или новый Даг Мо с тактикой «ран-энд-ган». А матч нужен конкурентный, чтобы обе команды набрали много, поэтому такая тактика должна еще и работать — а не как у Пола Уэстхеда, который в том же «Денвере» в начале 1990-х проповедовал еще более открытую игру, где команда набирала 120 и пропускала 131 В СРЕДНЕМ, но проигрывала всем подряд и рекорд так и не побила.

Кто обладал рекордом раньше «Денвер» Дага Мо был не единственной командой эпохи с чокнутой атакой. В марте 1982-го другие весельчаки «Сперс» с неудержимым в атаке и никого не удерживающим в защите Джорджем Гервином и «Милуоки» безумного профессора Нельсона тоже устроили концерт и тоже в трех овертаймах: 171:166 — но это было на 33 очка меньше. И это был матч без овертаймов! Например, не так давно в 4 ОТ «Чикаго» и «Атланта» выдали 168:161. Нужен матч с 5-6 овертаймами между командами, которые очень любят атаковать.

Никто не проводил так много времени на паркете в плей-офф — и вряд ли кто-то проведет. Рекорд Леброна по матчам 266 еще гипотетически можно повторить провел же 259 игр Дерек Фишер , но не по минутам. Леброн не играл в плей-офф четырежды как будто бы нонсенс для игрока, претендующего на звание величайшего , но зато в остальные сезоны играл в них часто, много, долго. В более ранние эпохи НБА раундов в плей-офф было меньше, еще в начале 00-х первый раунд играли в серии всего до 3 побед, а в 80-е — до двух. Джеймс выступает при самом загруженном календаре плей-офф в истории — и выдерживает его: 10 финалов в карьере.

И все это — при втором лучшем показателе минут за игру в XXI веке после Айверсона — 41,5. Почему считается вечным По игровому времени в плей-офф из действующих игроков второй — Кевин Дюрэнт. А у него почти вдвое меньше минут, чем у Леброна — всего 6259! Вот вам и ответ на вопрос о вечности рекорда. Кто подобрался ближе всего Пока никто не подбирается, в топ-10 претендентов чаще кто-то завершает карьеру, чем догоняет Леброна.

Ничто не угрожает рекорду. Кто может побить Если не Тейтум 2836 минуты к 25 годам, у Леброна было 2629 , то такой человек просто не в лиге, а может, даже не родился.

NBA Team Defensive Efficiency

He achieved all these wins while playing with the Bulls. Rajon Rondo The third player on our list is professional basketball player, Rajon Rondo. Rajon Rondo Source: Wikimedia. Rondo last played for the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Minnesota Timberwolves selected him in the first round of the 2009 NBA draft as the fifth overall. Ricky Rubio Source: Wikimedia. The Timberwolves traded Rubio to the Cavaliers in August 2021. He debuted with the Hornets and played with the franchise from 2005 to 2011. Conclusion So, these are the top 15 NBA players with the best dribbling ability.

Consequently, they are considered some of the best players in the NBA. As the creative mind behind numerous sports-centric projects, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of athletics, blending insightful commentary with captivating narratives.

Since joining Atlanta in a blockbuster trade from the San Antonio Spurs ahead of the 2022-23 campaign, the former All-Star is averaging 20. He has suited up in just 30 games in his first season with the Suns after seeing action in a mere 90 games over the past two seasons in Washington. Beal has also seen his production decline 18. He simply needs to remain healthy to ascend our list of the best NBA players right now. Major struggles in the NBA Playoffs? What we do know is that Towns is an absolute force on the offensive end of the court.

Did we mention Ingram is still only 26 years old? Jaren Jackson Jr. Jackson Jr. He also boasts a defensive win shares of 2. It seems to be working out well with the Wolves seen as a legitimate tite contender. Gobert is one of the primary reasons for this. He leads the NBA with a 4. That seems pretty darn good.

It has him as one of the best NBA players right now. He just continues to prove it on a yearly basis. But the dude is simply a bucket waiting to happen. Primarily, his offense has caught up to his defense. That seems pretty good. He ranks in the middle of our 50 best NBA players after less than 50 regular-season games. The 7-foot-4 big is averaging 20. That includes going for an average of 25.

The one issue here is defense. Despite this, Murray is still averaging 20. We might find out this summer with there being a good chance of a blockbuster trade from Atlanta. What we do know is that those numbers are stellar. Since the start of his sophomore campaign in 2019-20, Young is averaging 27.

Теперь клубу опять грозят санкциями Накануне стали известны санкции, которые могут последовать в отношении «Манчестер Сити» в случае, если нарушения будут доказаны. В случае правоты Премьер-лиги за понижение в классе «Сити» выступят и участники турнира. При этом, как сообщает BBC, «Сити» полностью уверен в своей невиновности — клуб предоставил лиге доказательства этого еще до публичных обвинений. На четвертое место в истории «Айлендерс» по числу матчей «на ноль» 15 вышел Илья Сорокин — ньюйоркцы разгромили дома «Сиэтл Кракен» 4:0.

В игре с «Сиэтлом» 27-летний Сорокин отразил 32 броска, его признали второй звездой всего игрового дня. Сорокин провел пятую «сухую» встречу в текущем сезоне — по этому показателю он делит первое место с вратарем «Вашингтон Кэпиталз» Дарси Кюмпером.

The Celtics have dealt with some turbulence before training camp started, but the team still has to be considered one of the top teams in the East, and Smart is the emotional heart that will keep them going. But make no mistake, the Cavaliers are led by a Big 4, not a Big 3.

The Pistons have a true franchise player to build around in Cunnigham, and we are excited to see what this season will look like for him and what improvements he has made to his game over the offseason. Ayton has been a walking double-double and a very solid center since he entered the league, and he still is. The last time we saw Murray in playoff action was in 2020, when he completely tore up the opposing defense en route to a Western Conference Final appearance. Murray had two 50-point performances in a series against the Utah Jazz and set a Nuggets franchise record for most 40-point games in a post-season run.

While missing that amount of time is a concern and it might take Murray a bit of time to get back into rhythm, Murray looked every bit the part of an All-Star and perfect running mate to Nikola Jokic. VanVleet posted career highs in points 20. His minutes per game last season 37. VanVleet is a good defender despite his small size, averaging 1.

Last season, he got back into the court toward the end of the regular season to help the Warriors in their quest to win another championship. Throughout the playoffs, he had his ups and downs, understandably, considering that he went more than two years without playing on an NBA court. With an offseason to get healthier and more in rhythm, the old Klay can be back for Golden State. In the end, he is one of the greatest shooters in the history of the league, but his injuries have made him slide into the 40s in our rankings.

Without the pressure of being the No. The Warriors want to repeat as champs, and Wiggins is ready for the adventure. The team made the playoffs last year in a surprise. Now, they add back Zion Williamson and have a full offseason to jell and learn to play together.

The playoffs are now an expectation for this team. Last season, McCollum averaged 22. His veteran leadership is invaluable on a team full of young and talented players. This is a new role for the guard, but he seems fully prepared to take it on heading into the season.

In his rookie season, he showed his ability to score in the paint and sometimes out to the 3-point line, as well as his defensive ability to protect the paint and versatility to defend on the perimeter. In addition, the Cavaliers look to be majorly improved after a great season with the addition of Donovan Mitchell and should be contenders to surprise everyone in the East. We saw what happened last year after the Bucks lost Khris Middleton to injury. The role was too big for Holiday.

50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996)

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List of Top 50 NBA All-time Points Leaders

One huge question for the season: This one is simple: Where is Harden going to play this season? But if Harden is on the court and engaged with the 76ers, they have a chance to compete with Milwaukee and Boston atop the East. If he can make a leap yet again this season, he could put himself in contention for an All-Star spot.

The past two are prime examples. The Santa Clara product is averaging 19.

In fact, the team has pushed back against dealing him for a plethora of picks and young players. For good reason. Since coming over from Phoenix, the wing is averaging 23. He was seen as an injury-plagued malcontent.

He played in just 36 last season for the Hornets. That keeps him down on our lest of the best NBA players. When on the court, he remains a dynamic threat. In four NBA seasons, Ball is averaging 20.

He just needs to stay healthy. Thus far, that has not happened. It seems as if the 34-year-old Harden has taken to that latter role in his first season with the Clippers. Also Read: 37.

Since joining Atlanta in a blockbuster trade from the San Antonio Spurs ahead of the 2022-23 campaign, the former All-Star is averaging 20. He has suited up in just 30 games in his first season with the Suns after seeing action in a mere 90 games over the past two seasons in Washington. Beal has also seen his production decline 18. He simply needs to remain healthy to ascend our list of the best NBA players right now.

Major struggles in the NBA Playoffs? What we do know is that Towns is an absolute force on the offensive end of the court. Did we mention Ingram is still only 26 years old? Jaren Jackson Jr.

Jackson Jr. He also boasts a defensive win shares of 2. It seems to be working out well with the Wolves seen as a legitimate tite contender. Gobert is one of the primary reasons for this.

He leads the NBA with a 4.

Во время паузы на паркет вышла семья спортсмена, комиссар лиги Адам Сильвер , а также 75-летний Абдул-Джаббар, который символически передал баскетбольный мяч Леброну. Несмотря на рекорд Джеймса, «Лос-Анджелес» в этом матче уступил со счетом 130:133. Леброн стал самым результативным игроком встречи, набрав 38 очков.

Baylor always played well in those crunch games, too, averaging 26. Charles Barkley Charles Barkley is now known as one of the most entertaining sports pundits out there. But during the 90s, he was a phenom of a player, particularly around the glass. He is currently considered by many as the best power forward of all time and one of the greatest NBA players of all time. He may be somewhat comforted by the fact that he is viewed as an all-time great, listing in the top 30 for rebounds 12,546 and scoring 23,757. Pippen played second-fiddle to Michael Jordan with the dynastical Chicago Bulls and he was more important than many remember. His elite perimeter defense allowed Michael Jordan to, well, be Michael Jordan. Pippen had success beyond the Bulls, too. He ranks second in all-time scoring, 7th in rebounds and 11th in steals overall for the league, which proves his consistency over his career. Outside of his first and last season, Malone averaged over 20 points per game every season. Those are crazy numbers to maintain for 17 seasons. Some will point toward his playoff performances as a reason to drop him down the list, but those people are ignoring just how good Karl Malone was. Kevin Garnett One of the best trash talkers the league has ever since, Kevin Garnett was not only physical but also quite brilliant around the glass. Of course, it is his on-court performances that led to him becoming one of the most fearsome players in the history of the NBA. He is the only NBA player ever to average at least 20 points, 10 rebounds, and 4 assists per game for 9 consecutive seasons. He has the fifth-most rebounds in the history of the league 16,212 and lands inside the top ten for scores 27,409. He is probably the best offensive rebounder of all time and he did more than alright on the trophy front too, winning one title, getting a Finals MVP and three MVPs. We could go through his individual records, but that would take quite a while… 17. Dirk Nowitzki Dirk Nowitzki is still loved in Dallas and rightly so. The German is sixth in the scoring charts for the league 29,527 and helped change the view of Europeans in the NBA. The Mavericks were never the same after him, with Luka now taking up the role of European powerhouse for the Texan franchise. Julius Erving Dr. J is a player who needs no introduction. Apart from being the first player with a line of his own signature sneakers , Julius Erving is also considered by many as the Michael Jordan of his generation. His immense popularity saw him grace popular magazine covers, newspapers and comic books. He was simply the most famous basketball player in the 70s. He won the NBA Championship in 1983 and was considered by many to be the best player in the league. That is despite the fact that he was 26 before he ever played in the NBA. Those who saw him play compare his style and athleticism to Michael Jordan. He finished his career with an average of 24. Moreover, he was also extremely athletic especially because he had a background in athletics. Apart from his exploits on the defensive end, Jerry West also had a silky-smooth jump shot that ultimately earned him the moniker, Mr. That being said, Jerry West must dislike Boston. He played the Celtics in six finals and lost all six, having to be content with his one NBA Championship title. Fourteen All-Stars tells its own story. An amazing career, averaging 27 points per game. While he had a rather impressive career with the Oklahoma City Thunder, KD was finally able to reach new career heights after signing with the Golden State Warriors. With the Warriors, he was not only able to end his Championship drought but was also able to win two finals MVPs in the process. Durant also averages over 30 points per game in his NBA Finals appearances. Stephen Curry Arguably the greatest 3-point shooter of all time, Wardell Stephen Curry is just one of the few players who have greatly influenced the way the game is played in the modern era. His high-arc 3-pointers and ability to convert 3s from any position on the court, ultimately forced many teams to change the way their defensive playbooks. In his second season in the NBA, Curry began showing glimpses of just how special of a player he would become. Curry is the best three-point shooter in the history of the NBA , but also knows when he should pass the ball. Oscar Robertson Oscar Robertson made triple-doubles cool, becoming the first player in the league to get one. He was a player who could do just about everything. He is beloved in Milwaukee and rightly so. A seriously good player, who could do just about everything. Hakeem Olajuwon The No. He also falls inside the top 14 NBA players all-time for points 26,946 , rebounds 13,748 and steals 2,162. When he first won the Defensive Player of the Year Award, in 1993-94, Olajuwon made history in the process by becoming the first international player to achieve this incredible feat. Loading 3 Offer Wall... To put it plainly, he was simply massive; a ball-playing giant, who knew how to play to his strengths.

NBA basketball (USA-1) - Leaders for 2023-2024 season

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  • Леброн Джеймс вышел на первое место в истории НБА по очкам за карьеру

Honorable Mention

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Топ-трансферы 2023. Матч-центр Новости Топ-матчи Билеты Видео ы. LaMelo Ball was the only Hornets player to make the top 100 list. Форвард «Лейкерс» Леброн Джеймс в четверг вошел в десятку лучших в истории НБА по реализованным 3-очковым за карьеру. When the NBA gathered its 50 greatest players at the 1997 All-Star Game in Clevel. Чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом Chat GPT составил список Топ-50 игроков в истории НБА.

NBA and NFL dominate with 37 of top 50 watched sporting events of 2023 so far

The NBA had an incredibly exciting, enigmatic and unbelievably fast transforming decade while we're moving to the year 2020. The NBA is celebrating its 75th anniversary this season, paying homage to those who made the league what it is today. Мы ВКонтакте. Новости. Топ недели. Пранк над мужем удался.

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