Новости класс паладин днд

This 5E Paladin optimisation guide covers the latest fighting styles, Oaths and subclasses from the Players Handbook to Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Особенности и способности нового класса D&D Paladin. Ключевые изменения Паладина в этом игровом тесте — это прежде всего переработка и изменение существующего материала, в том числе найденного в предыдущих материалах Unearthed Arcana. To build a dwarf paladin tank in DnD 5e, try this.

Anti-Paladin (5e Class)

In this Paladin 5E guide, we’ll stick to the core aspects of Paladins, their role, abilities, spells and answer all of your questions about this class. The key changes to the Paladin in this playtest are primarily reworks and changes to existing material, including those found in previous Unearthed Arcana materials. Пройдя долгий путь со времен предыдущих выпусков Dungeons & Dragons, класс паладинов, на самом деле, один из лучших классов в 5-м издании.

Всё о классе Паладина в ДнД!

Часто именно паладин является моральным компасом группы. Лучшие расы для паладина Любая раса может стать паладином, но некоторые расы имеют преимущества. Лучшие навыки для паладина Атлетика и Убеждение. Атлетика поможет паладину справляться с физическими задачами, такими как подъем или перемещение тяжелых предметов. Убеждение позволит паладину убедительно выступать в различных ситуациях и влиять на мнения других персонажей. Но всегда можно выбрать два навыка из этого списка: Атлетика, Запугивание, Медицина, Проницательность, Религия, Убеждение Лучшие предыстории для паладина Предыстория персонажа - это важная часть его характера и мотивации. Некоторые предыстории особенно подходят для паладинов.

Когда вы используете « Божественную кару », дружественные существа в пределах 10 футов от вас могут реакцией завоевать благосклонность вашего предка до конца своего следующего хода. Существа с благосклонностью вашего предка наносят дополнительный 1к4 урона излучением при следующей атаке. Когда вы достигаете 18-го уровня в этом классе, дистанция этой ауры увеличивается до 30 футов. Образцовый компаньон 15-й уровень, умение клятвы почитания Пока на существо действует ваше заклинание улучшение характеристики [enhance ability] или пока вы контролируете существо, которое вы призвали, оживили или создали с помощью магии, это существо становится образцовым компаньоном.

Ваша « Аура совершенства » распространяется на область вокруг каждого образцового компаньона, как если бы вы находились в пространстве этого существа. Кроме того, когда образцовый компаньон получает благосклонность вашего предка, дополнительный урон, который он наносит, увеличивается на 1к4 за каждый уровень заклинания выше 1-го, который вы израсходовали с помощью « Божественной кары ». Идеальный аватар 20-й уровень, умение клятвы почитания Бонусным действием вы достигаете своего духовного апофеоза и полностью воплощаете дух своего предка-покровителя. Вы и ваши существа-образцовые компаньоны получаете следующие преимущества на 1 минуту: Вы совершаете с преимуществом все проверки характеристик. Когда вы совершаете действие Атака в свой ход, вы можете совершить одно из следующих действий частью этого действия: Рывок, Помощь, Использование предмета, или попытаться Толкнуть существо, Схватить существо или вырваться из захвата. Когда вы восстанавливаете хиты, считайте все кости, брошенные для определения восстанавливаемых вами хитов, как максимальное значение. После того, как вы воспользуетесь этим умением, вы не сможете сделать этого снова, пока не закончите продолжительный отдых, если только вы не потратите ячейку заклинания 5-го уровня, чтобы использовать его снова. Связанные клятвой, которая заражает их тела всевозможными язвами, эти вестники разложения продвигаются вперед с нечестивой твердостью и мрачной решимостью. Сила в превозмогании. Переживание трудностей и болезней закаляет, даёт силу.

Распространение этих вещей рождает ещё больше сильных людей. Все мы когда-то умрём. Смерть — это естественный конец любой жизни. Нет ничего неестественного или аморального в том, чтобы её прервать.

The ability, however, can now only be used once per turn and only if the Paladin has not already cast a spell. While these spells previous required concentration to cast, with the effects only taking place after the spell had been cast, in the new rules rules the impact of Smite Spells will now take place immediately. In other words, you can now do a melee attack and then instantly use a smite spell as a bonus action to augment the attack. At higher levels, Paladins will be able to spend 5 of their own hit points to remove a number of conditions from another character, including poison, paralyzed and petrified. Changes to Auras: In the current 5e rules there are various Paladin Auras which are available depending on which Oath subclass the players chooses.

Additionally, the Sacred Weapon Channel Divinity ability is now a bonus action.

For example, a fire wolf might shoot flames out of its mouth. Circle of the Moon Druids will also now be able to wildshape as a bonus action, and while in their wildshape form can now cast Adjuration spells or burn a spell slot to heal themselves. Additionally, Paladins will not have access to two Channel Divinity uses per day, with this number increasing as the character levels up. The ability, however, can now only be used once per turn and only if the Paladin has not already cast a spell. While these spells previous required concentration to cast, with the effects only taking place after the spell had been cast, in the new rules rules the impact of Smite Spells will now take place immediately. In other words, you can now do a melee attack and then instantly use a smite spell as a bonus action to augment the attack.


  • Все изменения класса паладина D&D 5E (2024 г.)
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Best Race for a paladin in 5e DnD [Ranked]

The key changes to the Paladin in this playtest are primarily reworks and changes to existing material, including those found in previous Unearthed Arcana materials. The Dragonborn Paladin is an iconic class and race combination in DnD 5e. We take a look at why it's so good, and how to build it yourself. And with a wide variety of features and subclasses, Paladins are also a ton of fun to play in DnD 5e. This 5E Paladin optimisation guide covers the latest fighting styles, Oaths and subclasses from the Players Handbook to Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Paladin Armor, Half Elf Dnd, Dnd Elves, Medieval Fantasy, Dnd Paladin, Fantasy Clothing. Go through our paladin 5E class guide & learn their features, strengths, builds, etc.

[Top 5] D&D Best Paladin Builds

Каждый D&Dигрок знает, что класс паладина в значительной степени определяется следованием набору правил как законно-добрый персонаж, но это делает ролевую игру скучной с персонажем-адвокатом правил во вселенной. Anti-Paladins are the fanatical zealots serving evil deities as crusaders, commanders, and champions. воина веры, требует особого разговора.

Paladin 5E — DnD class guide 2024

They can still have a shield or a spell focus in the other hand and still get the bonus. Great Weapon Fighting: Can reroll damage rolls on a 1 or 2 when using a 2-handed attack with a weapon with the versatile or 2-handed trait. The 2nd roll must be used. Protection: When an enemy attacks an ally that the Paladin can see within 5ft, the Paladin can use a reaction to force the roll to have disadvantage.

The major Ability Modifier used to cast spells for the Paladin is their Charisma modifier. Check out the list of Paladin Spells. By expending a 1st level spell slot they can add 2d8 Radiant damage to their attack.

There is a cap of 5d8 and if the target is a fiend or undead it gets an additional 1d8. Divine Health Level: 3 — Paladins are immune to disease.

Even with a lower Cha modifier, this can be the difference between your party failing some nasty saves which can lead to a TPK, or being victorious. The higher your Charisma the better this is, but even with a middling modifier this is still a great ability. Aura of Courage 4 — Frightened is a fairly common monster-imposed condition, so being immune to it, whilst making your party immune is very nice. Improved Divine Smite 5 — Not only a substantial damage increase, being able to do radiant damage every hit can come in handy against certain creatures, like vampires and zombies. Note: This does not apply to unarmed strikes unless you are making them with natural weapons. Cleansing Touch 2 — Whilst this ability could prove crucial in saving yourself of a party member, an action is a significant cost for most Paladins and there are far too many creatures who can impose effects independent of spellcasting. Aura Improvements 4 — Your auras will now likely cover your entire party for most combats, unless your party likes to really spread out of course. This is a significant defensive buff, however, at this level it feels a little lacking as the only feature.

Some styles may be rated differently here than they were in the Fighter 5E guide, this is because the opportunity cost for a Paladin taking a Fighting Style is lower, as their available styles are far fewer. Dueling 5 — A great damage boost to one-handed weapons that scales with the number of attacks you get. Best for shield users and Dex based Paladins; better than using two hands with a longsword for Str based Paladins. Great Weapon Fighting 2 — If you reroll when you roll under the average damage for your chosen great weapon, this can be a damage boost. Keep in mind the attack may still hit, even with disadvantage. If you were already looking to play a shield-using Paladin, and have some party members willing to fight shoulder to shoulder, this can be a good tanking choice. TCoE Blessed Warrior 4 — If you want to play less of a martial Paladin, or are just looking for some more casting support, this is a great style. Stand-out choices include Guidance and Toll the Dead , of course the higher your Charisma the better for the latter. Blind Fighting 3 — This style does bring something to the Paladin they would have a hard time getting otherwise, blindsight, but its usefulness is pretty niche. This warrants a 3 because it is something your party can build around, such as making use of Darkness and Fog Cloud.

Interception 4 — Unlike Protection, this will always help your ally. The additional Fighting Styles have already been covered above, and we will go through the remaining optional features in this section. Harness Divine Power 5 — This is a fantastic ability, making your Paladin more efficient and opening up your options. This is nice to have for some tables, and fairly redundant for others. The exact spread of stats you want depends on your build and personal priorities: some will want to max out both their attack stat and their Cha; others will be focused on being an effective martial and would be happy to leave their Cha lower; whilst some might have a middling attack stat and focus on Charisma to play a support role. You should consider your stats and priorities when you allocate your ability scores and choose a race at first level. Moreover, if you see your paladin as a warrior first you should ideally start with a 16 and advance it as quickly as you can. If you want to include feats from ASIs, try to get your Str to 18 first as this will help maintain your martial performance and consistency. However, if you choose to use light armor instead of medium armor, you will be more dependent on this stat for AC than your counterparts would be dependent on Str for theirs. Generally speaking, Dexadins gain a lot of benefits from their primary stat, such as high initiative and better Dex saves and skills, at the expense of one point lower AC and not using heavy or versatile weapons.

Even if you focus on Str, having some degree of Dex is recommended for those benefits. Constitution 3 — This is a very nice stat to have as high as possible. The hit points will help with tanking and being in melee, and the higher chance to maintain concentration on your spells is very useful. However, being a MAD class means you likely cannot afford a particularly high score here, try and aim for no less than a 14, ideally a 16. Wisdom 3 — A good tertiary stat to have, if you think you may want to multiclass into a Wis requiring class then try to have at least a 14, otherwise whatever you can afford to put here is a good choice. Charisma 5 — Cha is a great stat to have, it ties to many of your class features and will make you a more effective Paladin. Even if you dump it to 8, a lot of abilities have a minimum of one use clause in them and other key features like Divine Smite and Lay on Hands have no interaction with Cha at all. I recommend putting at least a 16 here, but you are by no means a bad Paladin if you decide otherwise. On the other hand, I would say Paladins are one of the more heavily affected classes in terms of role play, with the Oaths and the tenets that they present acting as a strong base to ground your character in, should you choose to do so. In our Paladin DnD 5E guide, we suggest that unless there is a particular spell or CD that is important for your build or really interests you, I would recommend choosing an Oath which resonates most with your character.

There is an additional Oath option, the Oathbreaker, which will not be covered here as it is a DM-facing subclass, primarily intended for NPCs. Channel Divinity options will be denoted by [CD]. Devotion The more stereotypical of the Paladin Oaths , Devotion is driven by justice, virtue, and order, in true knight in shining armor fashion. Their abilities and spells are geared towards fighting the stereotypical enemy of Paladins: fiends, undead, and aberrations but they are also effective against other foes. In practice, losing your first action of a fight is a very steep cost. This gets a 3 for helping you overcome resistance or immunity to non-magical BPS, and the potential it has in longer combats. Aura of Devotion 4 — Situational, but the amount of charmed-based effects on monsters is surprisingly large. This is worthy of a 4 as it completely shuts down the dangerous aspect of some creatures, and saves the party from the Barbarian being controlled by a spell like Dominate Monster… again. Purity of Spirit 4 — A very powerful passive benefit, Protection from Evil and Good covers a large number of creature types, making this relevant in a lot of situations. Holy Nimbus 3 — This capstone is okay, but nothing special, primarily because of the action cost with so little in return.

Additionally, saves against spells cast by fiends and undead are very niche, not protecting you from their non-spell abilities is disappointing. This would have been a 4 if it only cost a bonus action to activate. Ancients Paladin meets Druid, this Oath is focused more on the principle of good overall, rather than law or chaos, and does so with a nature theme. The features and spells continue a theme of nature magic, combined with protection against fey and fiends, and enhancing the survivability of the Paladin. This subclass is often talked about because of its aura that gives resistance to spell damage. Aura of Warding 3 — A fantastic aura… if it applies to you, that is.

Spellcasting Focus. Paladins can use a holy symbol as their spellcasting focus.

More on the best Paladin spells at each level later on. They can also choose to replace this fighting style whenever they reach a level where they get an Ability Score Improvement 4, 8, 12, 16, 19 with the Martial Versatility feature TCoE 53. Blessed Warrior TCoE. Learn two Cleric cantrips, which you can swap out every time you level up. Blind Fighting TCoE. Great Weapon Fighting. Reroll damage rolls of 1 or 2 when attacking with a two-handed weapon. Interception TCoE.

Use a reaction to protect an ally within 5 feet, imposing disadvantage on an attack roll targeted at them. Your choice of fighting style can have a big impact on Paladin gameplay: Blessed Warrior. More spellcasting utility and reliability. Defense, Interception, or Protection. Great Weapon Fighting or Dueling. Double down on your burst damage potential. Blind Fighting. General utility in darkness -focused group or setting.

Lay on Hands. Your pool of available healing scales with level. Divine Smite. Divine Health. Extra Attack. Aura of Protection. Aura of Courage. Improved Divine Smite.

Cleansing Touch.

For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 2nd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell hellish rebuke , you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd-level spell. Preparing and Casting Spells The Anti-paladin table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. You prepare the list of Anti-Paladin spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the warlock spell list. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Warlock spells requires time spent in contact with supernatural forces through rituals and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. Spellcasting Ability Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Anti-Paladin spells, since their power derives from the strength of your convictions.

You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Anti-Paladin spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Choose one of the following options. Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

All D&D 5E Paladin Class Changes (2024)

The Paladin table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your paladin spells. Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity. While Jadina was training to become a paladin, her father told her that it would be dangerous to travel any farther than from Gilderdrip without being instructed first by a paladin sage or an experienced paladin.

Все изменения класса паладина D&D 5E (2024 г.)

Tier 2 Paladins Tier 2 paladins are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 5 to 10, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. They may be used at later levels as allies or lieutenants of even more powerful creatures. At tier 2, these paladins could be leaders of religious groups in notable cities, members of secret organizations, or serve as protectors to the nobility and other prominent members of society. Add the 7th level oath feature from a paladin subclass. Two feuding kingdoms or factions seem poised for war. In an effort to prevent the massive bloodshed that would follow, a paladin recruits the party to act as diplomats and peacemakers. Oath of Redemption. Small villages and townships on the fringes of the nation have been under attack or besieged by supernatural events. Tier 3 Paladins Tier 3 paladins are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 11 to 16, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. Unless your setting has uniquely powerful NPCs, tier 3 paladins should be very rare. Or perhaps they live a more lowkey existence on the fringes of society, battling planar threats before they become widely known.

Add the 15th level oath feature from a paladin subclass. An ancient forest is dying and no one is quite sure why.

Radiant consumption is excellent for cloud control, and Necrotic Shroud works very well on a paladin. A cool thing about having an Aasimar Paladin is that you can fly. You also get a few early-game spellcasting abilities that help you pull your weight as a paladin in the early levels.

Another great thing the Satyr paladin has is its significant magic resistance. This magic resistance is excellent to help you tank when you are fighting on the frontlines, and your enemies have spells like fear, stun, paralyze, levitate , and so on. Because Satyrs have extra movement, they can quickly close the gap with your enemies when you unleash your smiths upon them. Best Race for paladin conclusion If you want to choose the best Race for a paladin in 5e DnD, you have many options, all content for that title. In my opinion, the Variant Human is the best choice for a mighty paladin.

Гайды 18. Например, разбойники часто коварны и имеют предысторию краевых лордов, а праведные паладины тоже легко попадают в знакомые стереотипы. Лучшие идеи ролевых игр для паладинов включают в себя знание того, каких клише следует избегать, а также знание почемуперсонаж-паладин выбрал этот класс и понял, что многие основные элементы класса паладина на самом деле являются гибкими рекомендациями, а не абсолютными правилами, присягой или отсутствием присяги. Такое поведение может замедлить всю игру, когда стереотипный узколобый паладин будет пытаться делать все по правилам и делать все, что в его силах. При этом паладин может также раздражать не только членов своей группы, но и других игроков невыносимыми, самодовольными диалогами и действиями, действуя как отвратительная карикатура на этот класс. Любой класс можно свести к карикатуре, но это скорее для паладинов, которые имеют более четко определенные цели и методы, встроенные в их класс. Как и разбойники, паладины, вероятно, будут делать раздражающие вещи только потому, что «это то, что сделал бы мой персонаж».

Священная клятва паладина является ориентиром только для персонажа, а не для игрока. Отыгрыш Палдина должен иметь в виду цель персонажа Лучшие идеи отыгрыша паладина включают использование основных черт этого класса в качестве вдохновения для более уникальных и творческих идей для персонажа.

However, the damage for each Divine Smite increases as the Warlock levels since the effective spell level increases - cappng at 5d8 radiant damage at Warlock level 9. One thing to note is, if you decide to level both Paladin and Warlock, the levels do not stack for effective caster level ie.

Therefore, how you build this warlock should be consistent with the role you wish to fulfill. This Nature Warden build allows you to focus on a particular theme while still using the Divine Smite combo, and also giving you great crowd control options. All builds considering optimized build for single target damage. The y-axis represents damage, and the x-axis represents levels.

Paladin 5e Class Guide for Dungeons and Dragons

Small villages and townships on the fringes of the nation have been under attack or besieged by supernatural events. Tier 3 Paladins Tier 3 paladins are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 11 to 16, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. Unless your setting has uniquely powerful NPCs, tier 3 paladins should be very rare. Or perhaps they live a more lowkey existence on the fringes of society, battling planar threats before they become widely known. Add the 15th level oath feature from a paladin subclass. An ancient forest is dying and no one is quite sure why. The reclusive guardian of the forest seeks aid in searching the area for the cause. Oath of the Ancients. A once honorable paladin sold out his order in exchange for money or power.

He must be brought to justice, or convinced to atone for his mistakes. Tier 4 Paladins Tier 4 paladins are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 17 to 20, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. A tier 4 paladin is comparable in many respects to a level 20 adventurer, there may only be one such figure in your entire setting. Swap out the Paragon of Devotion feature based off of the Oath of Conquest level 20 ability for a different level 20 oath feature.

Лучшие расы для паладина Любая раса может стать паладином, но некоторые расы имеют преимущества. Лучшие навыки для паладина Атлетика и Убеждение.

Атлетика поможет паладину справляться с физическими задачами, такими как подъем или перемещение тяжелых предметов. Убеждение позволит паладину убедительно выступать в различных ситуациях и влиять на мнения других персонажей. Но всегда можно выбрать два навыка из этого списка: Атлетика, Запугивание, Медицина, Проницательность, Религия, Убеждение Лучшие предыстории для паладина Предыстория персонажа - это важная часть его характера и мотивации. Некоторые предыстории особенно подходят для паладинов. Это может быть заслугами в бою, спасением мирных жителей или выполнением заданий для церкви.

Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. He got so angry that he breathed fire at them.

The swordsmen defended themselves using their shields, and most of them died in the attack, but they had done it! Gulo was tied up! Another group of Red Dragons then entered his mouth and cut off his great golden tongue. The Redians were rewarded by the king. The queen was very thankful for the death of her nemesis. She offered Zaela and her clerics a permanent place in Yorebridge Castle if she ever needed a safe place to stay. With the death of Gulo, peace in the land has once again been established.

But more than once, someone has thought of reviving the great dragon Gulo from his sleep beneath Yorebridge Castle. Some think it is just a rumor, while others are sure that someone is trying to recreate one of the most powerful dragons in history! It will be up to Hunter and Zaela to stop these people before they destroy the world all over again! Personality: Xanthe is an idealist. She is determined to protect the weak and weak of heart. She will always try to do the right thing and see the good in others— even when it seems impossible. Her ambition is to travel around the world and do good wherever she goes.

Appearance: Xanthe is a tall, thin halfling with dark green hair. She is very muscular from years of training and fighting. Her striking, blue eyes make her appear even taller. When she is on her horse, she dons a beautiful long, white robe that features a depiction of Helm on the back. Start of Character: She is intent on helping the war effort of the Grabisco Kingdom and finding adventure wherever it takes her. He was taken in by an order of paladins and raised as one of their own. He became famed for his numerous heroic deeds, including slaying a dragon.

He was dubbed a paladin of light. He has set out to rid the world of the evil that lurks in the dark. His current task is to gather a group of adventurers to destroy the Dark Master, who has corrupted the Kingdom of Grabisco. Larak is a likable fellow. As a Paladin of Light, he travels the Kingdom of Grabisco, performing miracles and fighting evil whenever it rears its ugly head.

Божественная кара Начиная со 2 уровня, если вы попадаете по существу атакой рукопашным оружием, вы можете потратить одну ячейку заклинания любого своего класса для причинения цели лучистого урона, который добавится к урону от оружия. Дополнительный урон равен 2к8 за ячейку 1 уровня, плюс 1к8 за каждый уровень ячейки выше первого, до максимума 5к8. Урон увеличивается на 1к8, если цель — нежить или исчадие. Божественное здоровье Начиная с 3 уровня божественная магия, текущая через вас, даёт вам иммунитет к болезням. Священная клятва Когда вы получаете 3 уровень, вы даёте клятву, навсегда связывающую вас, как паладина. До этого момента вы были в подготовительной стадии, следуя по пути, но ещё не дав присягу. Теперь же вы выбираете Клятву Преданности, Клятву Древних или Клятву Мести, которые подробно рассмотрены в конце описания класса. Ваш выбор предоставляет вам умения на 3, 7, 15 и 20 уровнях. Эти умения включают в себя заклинания клятвы и умения Проведения энергии. Заклинания Клятвы Каждая клятва имеет список связанных с ней заклинаний. Вы получаете доступ к этим заклинаниям на уровнях, указанных в описании клятвы. После того как вы получаете доступ к заклинанию клятвы, оно всегда у вас подготовлено. Заклинания клятвы не учитывается в количестве заклинаний, которые можно подготовить каждый день. Если вы получаете заклинание клятвы, которое не входит в список заклинаний паладина, это заклинание всё равно считается заклинанием паладина для вас. Проведение энергии Ваша клятва позволяет направлять божественную энергию, чтобы подпитывать магические эффекты. Каждый вариант Проведения энергии, предоставленный клятвой, объясняет, как его использовать. Когда вы используете проведение энергии, вы выбираете, какой эффект создать. Затем вы должны завершить короткий или длинный отдых для повторного использования Проведения энергии. Некоторые эффекты Проведения энертребуют совершить спасбросок. Когда вы используете эффекты такого рода, УС равна УС спасброска от ваших заклинаний паладина. Увеличение характеристик При достижении 4, 8, 12, 16 и 19 уровней вы можете повысить значение одной из ваших характеристик на 2 или двух характеристик на 1. Как обычно, значение характеристики при этом не должно превысить 20. Дополнительная атака Начиная с 5 уровня, если вы в свой ход совершаете действие Атака, вы можете совершить две атаки вместо одной.

D&D 5E Basic Build Series: Paladin

Anti-Paladin (5e Class) Нам представили переработанный классы друида и паладина, а также изменённые заклинания для них.
Паладин [Paladin] / Классы D&D 5 / Player's handbook Паладин — один из часто встречающихся классов в ролевых играх, представляющий из себя воина веры.
Paladin Backstory: 10 Amazing DND Background Builds Споры вокруг паладина, Как отыгрывать паладина в ДнД 3,5?
Все изменения класса паладина D&D 5E (2024 г.) Некоторые персонажи этого класса не считают себя настоящими паладинами до того как они получат 3-м уровень и не дадут эту клятву.

Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 4, Классы.

Your powerful lord stands before you, reciting an oath that you repeat, committing yourself to the tenets. From now on, you are not a fighter with a slew of weapons and armour; you are not a scholar of magical spells; you are the righteous paladin of this oath who will carve a legend into the history books with tales of your devotion. The only question is: what are you devoted to? Here are some quick summaries of each subclass, which will give a bit of insight to the theme, generalized game mechanics, and the likely play style to expect. Your interpretation may differ, and if it does, please share how! Whether it be a law, justice, or an authoritative figure, this is the knight who values their word and loyalty above anything else. Game Mechanics: Additional spells include utility and protection spells, like protection from evil and good, or sanctuary.

They are able to magically enhance their weapon to do additional damage and create light. The devotion paladin can also turn undead or fiends, making them run away in fear. At later levels, they have an aura to protect themselves and allies against being charmed. Play-style: You want to play the honorable knight, healing the injured, protecting the weak, and showing how great your honour is. You like to reserve your spells for role-play, and focus on your weapons for combat. The ancient oath works with all kinds of nature to vanquish those who would seed evil into otherwise peaceful grounds.

Game Mechanics: Additional spells, with a nature focus, work to control movement and interact with plants and animals. They can call upon nature to root enemies in place, or to turn fey and fiends. At later levels, they gain a powerful aura to reduce all spell damage by half, and eventually gain the ability to come back from 0 hp. Play-style: You like the idea of playing to an oath that is above society and people.

Build accordingly. Or, consider picking the Sentinel Feat, to improve your opportunity and reaction attacks. Aasimar redeemer For times when a Cleric is nowhere to be found, and your party tends to come away from fights looking more like a band of broken stragglers than heroic adventurers, check out this build. Paladin defenders built around the Oath of Redemption specialize less in direct restorative abilities, and more in redirecting damage to themselves, or avoiding fighting altogether. A highly effective class, but also a stressful one, as you see your HP will bob up and down dramatically mid-fight. For weapons, take a battleaxe and shield.

Your choice of martial weapon is less important, but the shield will provide an essential AC boon. At third level, pick the Oath of Redemption. Both Channel Divinity options are stellar picks, and your choice between them should be guided by the style of your DM. If they like to throw monster after monster at you, Rebuke the Violent will be essential to mirror the blows dealt to your party. But if creative roleplay better suits your campaign, Emissary of Peace allows you to avoid even the most certain of conflicts. Upon reaching fourth level, take the Tough feat. At level eight, increase your Cha score so you can make better use of your absolutely excellent spell list, and put your Oath spells to maximum use. From here, your Paladin should be set up to use the Aura of the Guardian class feature efficiently. Keep plugging Cha and Con, letting damage dealing fall to other party members. Rock Gnome Lancer For a slightly sillier, and outright peculiar playstyle, consider building your Paladin as a mounted lancer, harrying the enemy with recurring charges.

Tanks can be damage dealers as well but their main focus is to absorb damage so that other archetypes like skirmishers or glass cannons can do their thing without getting clobbered before they get to do anything. These work together in order to grant resistance to all incoming non magical damage, make sure that any ranged attacks made in your general direction target you instead of allies, and increase your hit point maximum. All of these are synergistically adding up to keeping you, and consequently your allies, in the fight longer. This build focuses on putting out the highest amount of damage possible with less regard for the well being of yourself or your party. Damage dealers in popular media would be Thor, Rambo, and the Doomslayer.

Когда вы заканчиваете длинный отдых, вы восстанавливаете все потраченные использования. Наложение рук Твое благословенное прикосновение может исцелять раны. У вас есть запас целительной силы, который восстанавливается после длинного отдыха. При помощи этого запаса вы можете восстанавливать количество хитов, равное уровню паладина, умноженному на 5. Вы можете действием коснуться существа и, зачерпнув силу из запаса, восстановить количество хитов этого существа на любое число, вплоть до максимума, оставшегося в вашем запасе. В качестве альтернативы, вы можете потрать 5 хитов из вашего запаса хитов для излечения цели от одной болезни или одного действующего на неё яда. Вы можете устранить несколько эффектов болезни и ядов одним использованием Наложения рук, тратя хиты отдельно для каждого эффекта. Это умение не оказывает никакого эффекта на нежить и конструктов.

Боевой стиль На 2 уровне вы выбираете боевой стиль, соответствующий вашей специализации. Выберите один из следующих вариантов. Вы не можете выбирать один и тот же вариант боевого стиля, даже если позже у вас будет возможность выбрать ещё один стиль. Сражение большим оружием Если у вас выпало «1» или «2» на кости урона оружия при атаке, которую вы совершали рукопашным оружием, удерживая его двумя руками, то вы можете перебросить эту кость, и должны использовать новый результат. Чтобы воспользоваться этим преимуществом, ваше оружие должно иметь свойство «двуручное» или «универсальное». Защита Если существо, которое вы видите, атакует не вас, а другое существо, находящееся в пределах 5 футов от вас, вы можете реакцией создать помеху его броску атаки. При этом вы должны использовать щит. Сотворение заклинаний Получая 2 уровень, вы узнаёте, как черпать божественную магию посредством медитации и молитв, чтобы творить заклятья подобно жрецу.

Подготовка и сотворение заклинаний Таблица «Паладин» демонстрирует, какое количество ячеек для сотворения заклинаний у вас есть. Чтобы сотворить одно из ваших заклинаний паладина 1-го круга или выше, вы должны потратить слот уровня заклинания или выше. Вы восстанавливаете все потраченные ячейки заклинаний после завершения длинного отдыха. Вы подготавливаете список заклинаний паладина, которые доступны для вас для сотворения, выбирая из списка заклинаний паладина. Уровень заклинаний не должен превышать уровень самой высокой имеющейся у вас ячейки заклинаний. Например, если вы паладин 5 уровня, то у вас есть четыре ячейки заклинаний 1 круга и две ячейки 2 круга. При Харизме 14 ваш список подготовленных заклинаний может включать в себя четыре заклинания 1 или 2 круга, в любой комбинации.

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