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Найдено 30 результатов перевода перевода фразы "наказание" с русского на английский. Значение, Синонимы, Антонимы. How does "наказание нанесен" translate from russian to english: translations with transcription, pronunciation and examples in the online dictionary. Роберта Локьера, почтальона с 29-летним опытом, уволили за опоздание длиной всего лишь в минуту. Его дело рассматривала специальная комиссия Королевской почты – настолько важная, что на английском она буквально называется tribunal. Дисциплинарные органы Футбольной ассоциации Англии за период с 2011 года оштрафовали английских футболистов на 350 тысяч фунтов стерлингов за недопустимые сообщения в социальных BuzzFeed has breaking news, vital journalism, quizzes, videos, celeb news, Tasty food videos, recipes, DIY hacks, and all the trending buzz you’ll want to share with your friends. Copyright BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Преступление и наказание придумать ** английском ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!! 25 просмотров.


Read the latest headlines, breaking news, and videos at , the definitive source for independent journalism from every corner of the globe. Перевод наказание по-английски. Как перевести на английский наказание? Найдено 30 результатов перевода перевода фразы "наказание" с русского на английский. Значение, Синонимы, Антонимы.

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Gravy SEAL A gravy SEAL is a person either belonging to a militia group or has an unhealthy obsession with the military, guns, and anti-government views, but was never actually in the military due to either being grossly out of shape, mentally unfit, or just too dumb to function. Years of dead end jobs and poor diet have made white, middle aged men very upset. Although a term of mockery, Gravy SEALs should be taken seriously, as they are deluded AND have access to copious amounts of arms, and plenty of just as delusional friends to back them up.

Потребление новостей не имеет отношения к вам. На самом деле, потребление новостей — это конкурентный недостаток. Чем меньше вы потребляете новостей, тем больше у вас преимуществ. News has no explanatory power. News items are bubbles popping on the surface of a deeper world.

Will accumulating facts help you understand the world? Sadly, no. The relationship is inverted. The more «news factoids» you digest, the less of the big picture you will understand. Новости ничего не объясняют Новости — как пузырьки на поверхности большого мира. Разве обработка несущественных фактов поможет вам понять мир? Чем больше фрагметов новостей вы поглотите, тем меньшую картину мира для себя составите.

Если бы большее количество кусков информации приводило к экономическому успеху, то журналисты были бы на верху пирамиды. Но не в нашем случае. News is toxic to your body. It constantly triggers the limbic system. Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid cortisol. This deregulates your immune system and inhibits the release of growth hormones. In other words, your body finds itself in a state of chronic stress.

High glucocorticoid levels cause impaired digestion, lack of growth cell, hair, bone , nervousness and susceptibility to infections. The other potential side-effects include fear, aggression, tunnel-vision and desensitisation. Новости токсичны для вашего организма Они постоянно действуют на лимбическую систему. Панические истории стимулируют образование глюкокортикоидов кортизола. Это приводит в беспорядок вашу иммунную систему. Ваш организм оказывается в состоянии хронического стресса. Другие возможные побочные эффекты включают страх, агрессию и потерю чувствительности, проблемы с ростом клеток волос, костей, неустойчивость к инфекциям.

News increases cognitive errors. News feeds the mother of all cognitive errors: confirmation bias. In the words of Warren Buffett: «What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact. We become prone to overconfidence, take stupid risks and misjudge opportunities. It also exacerbates another cognitive error: the story bias. Any journalist who writes, «The market moved because of X» or «the company went bankrupt because of Y» is an idiot. I am fed up with this cheap way of «explaining» the world.

Новости искажают реальные факты усиливают ошибки восприятия Поток новостей — отец всех когнитивных ошибок: жажды подтверждения. Мы становимся излишне самоуверенными, глупо рискуем и недооцениваем возможности. Наш мозг жаждет историй, которые «имеют смысл», даже если они не соответствуют действительности. Любой журналист, который пишет, что «рынок существует благодаря X» или «компания обанкротилась из-за Y», — идиот. Мы сыты по горло этим дешевым способом «объяснения» мира. News inhibits thinking. Thinking requires concentration.

This rate is highest for queer women and trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals Buist, 2020; Donohue et al. This known pathway clearly depicts a systemic issue—one that warrants attention and remediation.

В России смертная казнь по-прежнему существует, но парламент начал дискуссии о ее отмене. В свое время смертная казнь была использована для многих преступлений правонарушений. В Библии, например, по крайней мере, 30 преступлений заслуживают смерти. В Средневековье смертные казни были особенно популярны. Сжигание заживо, повешение, отсечение головы, избиение камнями до смерти, волочение когда человека привязывали к лошади и четвертование были весьма распространены в те темные годы. Сегодня, смертная казнь применяется в тех странах, где она не отменена для только нескольких преступлений, это государственная измена, убийство, вооруженное ограбление и похищение. Люди расходятся во мнениях относительно того, является ли смертная казнь моральной или эффективной в предупреждении преступности. Страх смерти является более эффективным, чем страх тюрьмы.

Если посадить их в тюрьму, они смогут убежать и совершить еще одно преступление. Это жестоко и бесчеловечно. Страх наказания не помогают предотвратить преступление.

Тема "Преступления в нашем обществе" (Crime in our society)

Abolitionists find that the various attempted justifications of this intentionally burdensome condemnatory treatment fail, and thus that the practice is morally wrong — not merely in practice but in principle. For such accounts, a central question is how the state should respond to the types of conduct for which one currently would be subject to punishment. In this section we attend to three notable types of abolitionist theory and the alternatives to punishment that they endorse. But one might regard this as a false dichotomy see Allais 2011; Duff 2011a. A restorative process that is to be appropriate to crime must therefore be one that seeks an adequate recognition, by the offender and by others, of the wrong done—a recognition that must for the offender, if genuine, be repentant; and that seeks an appropriate apologetic reparation for that wrong from the offender. But those are also the aims of punishment as a species of secular penance, as sketched above. A system of criminal punishment, however improved it might be, is of course not well designed to bring about the kind of personal reconciliations and transformations that advocates of restorative justice sometimes seek; but it could be apt to secure the kind of formal, ritualised reconciliation that is the most that a liberal state should try to secure between its citizens. If we focus only on imprisonment, which is still often the preferred mode of punishment in many penal systems, this suggestion will appear laughable; but if we think instead of punishments such as Community Service Orders now part of what is called Community Payback or probation, it might seem more plausible. This argument does not, of course, support that account of punishment against its critics.

A similar issue is raised by the second kind of abolitionist theory that we should note here: the argument that we should replace punishment by a system of enforced restitution see e. For we need to ask what restitution can amount to, what it should involve, if it is to constitute restitution not merely for any harm that might have been caused, but for the wrong that was done; and it is tempting to answer that restitution for a wrong must involve the kind of apologetic moral reparation, expressing a remorseful recognition of the wrong, that communicative punishment on the view sketched above aims to become. More generally, advocates of restorative justice and of restitution are right to highlight the question of what offenders owe to those whom they have wronged — and to their fellow citizens see also Tadros 2011 for a focus on the duties that offenders incur. Some penal theorists, however, especially those who connect punishment to apology, will reply that what offenders owe precisely includes accepting, undertaking, or undergoing punishment. A third alternative approach that has gained some prominence in recent years is grounded in belief in free will scepticism, the view that human behaviour is a result not of free will but of determinism, luck, or chance, and thus that the notions of moral responsibility and desert on which many accounts of punishment especially retributivist theories depend are misguided see s. As an alternative to holding offenders responsible, or giving them their just deserts, some free will sceptics see Pereboom 2013; Caruso 2021 instead endorse incapacitating dangerous offenders on a model similar to that of public health quarantines. Just as it can arguably be justified to quarantine someone carrying a transmissible disease even if that person is not morally responsible for the threat they pose, proponents of the quarantine model contend that it can be justified to incapacitate dangerous offenders even if they are not morally responsible for what they have done or for the danger they present. One question is whether the quarantine model is best understood as an alternative to punishment or as an alternative form of punishment.

Beyond questions of labelling, however, such views also face various lines of critique. In particular, because they discard the notions of moral responsibility and desert, they face objections, similar to those faced by pure consequentialist accounts see s. International Criminal Law and Punishment Theoretical discussions of criminal punishment and its justification typically focus on criminal punishment in the context of domestic criminal law. But a theory of punishment must also have something to say about its rationale and justification in the context of international criminal law: about how we should understand, and whether and how we can justify, the punishments imposed by such tribunals as the International Criminal Court. For we cannot assume that a normative theory of domestic criminal punishment can simply be read across into the context of international criminal law see Drumbl 2007. Rather, the imposition of punishment in the international context raises distinctive conceptual and normative issues. Such international intervention is only justified, however, in cases of serious harm to the international community, or to humanity as a whole. Crimes harm humanity as a whole, on this account, when they are group-based either in the sense that they are based on group characteristics of the victims or are perpetrated by a state or another group agent.

Such as account has been subject to challenge focused on its harm-based account of crime Renzo 2012 and its claim that group-based crimes harm humanity as a whole A. Altman 2006. We might think, by contrast, that the heinousness of a crime or the existence of fair legal procedures is not enough. We also need some relational account of why the international legal community — rather than this or that domestic legal entity — has standing to call perpetrators of genocide or crimes against humanity to account: that is, why the offenders are answerable to the international community see Duff 2010. For claims of standing to be legitimate, they must be grounded in some shared normative community that includes the perpetrators themselves as well as those on behalf of whom the international legal community calls the perpetrators to account. For other discussions of jurisdiction to prosecute and punish international crimes, see W. Lee 2010; Wellman 2011; Giudice and Schaeffer 2012; Davidovic 2015. Another important question is how international institutions should assign responsibility for crimes such as genocide, which are perpetrated by groups rather than by individuals acting alone.

Such questions arise in the domestic context as well, with respect to corporations, but the magnitude of crimes such as genocide makes the questions especially poignant at the international level. Several scholars in recent years have suggested, however, that rather than focusing only on prosecuting and punishing members of the groups responsible for mass atrocities, it may sometimes be preferable to prosecute and punish the entire group qua group. A worry for such proposals is that, because punishment characteristically involves the imposition of burdens, punishment of an entire group risks inflicting punitive burdens on innocent members of the group: those who were nonparticipants in the crime, or perhaps even worked against it or were among its victims. In response to this concern, defenders of the idea of collective punishment have suggested that it need not distribute among the members of the group see Erskine 2011; Pasternak 2011; Tanguagy-Renaud 2013; but see Hoskins 2014b , or that the benefits of such punishment may be valuable enough to override concerns about harm to innocents see Lang 2007: 255. Many coercive measures are imposed even on those who have not been convicted, such as the many kinds of restriction that may be imposed on people suspected of involvement in terrorism, or housing or job restrictions tied merely to arrests rather than convictions. The legal measures are relevant for punishment theorists for a number of reasons, but here we note just two: First, at least some of these restrictive measures may be best regarded as as additional forms of punishment see Lippke 2016: ch. For such measures, we must ask whether they are or can be made to be consistent with the principles and considerations we believe should govern impositions of punishment. Second, even if at least some measures are not best regarded as additional forms of punishment, we should ask what justifies the state in imposing additional coercive measures on those convicted of crimes outside the context of the punishment itself see Ashworth and Zedner 2011, 2012; Ramsay 2011; Ashworth, Zedner, and Tomlin 2013; Hoskins 2019: chs.

For instance, if we regard punishment as the way in which offenders pay their debts to society, we can argue that it is at least presumptively unjustified for the state to impose additional burdensome measures on offenders once this debt has been paid. To say that certain measures are presumptively unjustified is not, of course, to establish that they are all-things-considered prohibited. Various collateral consequences — restrictions on employment or housing, for example — are often defended as public safety measures. We might argue see Hoskins 2019: ch. Public safety restrictions could only be justifiable, however, when there is a sufficiently compelling public safety interest, when the measures will be effective in serving that interest, when the measures will not do more harm than good, and when there are no less burdensome means of achieving the public safety aim. Even for public safety measures that meet these conditions, we should not lose sight of the worry that imposing such restrictions on people with criminal convictions but who have served their terms of punishment denies them the equal treatment to which they, having paid their debt, are entitled on this last worry, see, e. In addition to these formal legal consequences of a conviction, people with criminal records also face a range of informal collateral consequences, such as social stigma, family tensions, discrimination by employers and housing authorities, and financial challenges. These consequences are not imposed by positive law, but they may be permitted by formal legal provisions such as those that grant broad discretion to public housing authorities in the United States making admission decisions or facilitated by them such as when laws making criminal records widely accessible enable employers or landlords to discriminate against those with criminal histories.

There are also widely documented burdensome consequences of a conviction to the family members or loved ones of those who are convicted, and to their communities. These sorts of informal consequences of criminal convictions appear less likely than the formal legal consequences to constitute legal punishment, insofar as they are not intentionally imposed by the state but see Kolber 2012. Still, the informal collateral consequences of a conviction are arguably relevant to theorising about punishment, and we should examine when, if ever, such burdens are relevant to sentencing determinations on sentencing, see s. Further Issues A number of further important questions are relevant to theorising about punishment, which can only be noted here. First, there are questions about sentencing. Who should decide what kinds and what levels of sentence should be attached to different offences or kinds of offence: what should be the respective roles of legislatures, of sentencing councils or commissions, of appellate courts, of trial judges, of juries? What kinds of punishment should be available to sentencers, and how should they decide which mode of punishment is appropriate for the particular offence? Considerations of the meaning of different modes of punishment should be central to these questions see e.

Second, there are questions about the relation between theory and practice — between the ideal, as portrayed by a normative theory of punishment, and the actualities of existing penal practice. Suppose we have come to believe, as a matter of normative theory, that a system of legal punishment could in principle be justified — that the abolitionist challenge can be met. It is, to put it mildly, unlikely that our normative theory of justified punishment will justify our existing penal institutions and practices: it is far more likely that such a theory will show our existing practices to be radically imperfect — that legal punishment as it is now imposed is far from meaning or achieving what it should mean or achieve if it is to be adequately justified see Heffernan and Kleinig 2000. If our normative theorising is to be anything more than an empty intellectual exercise, if it is to engage with actual practice, we then face the question of what we can or should do about our current practices. The obvious answer is that we should strive so to reform them that they can be in practice justified, and that answer is certainly available to consequentialists, on the plausible assumption that maintaining our present practices, while also seeking their reform, is likely to do more good or less harm than abandoning them. But for retributivists who insist that punishment is justified only if it is just, and for communicative theorists who insist that punishment is just and justified only if it communicates an appropriate censure to those who deserve it, the matter is harder: for to maintain our present practices, even while seeking their radical reform, will be to maintain practices that perpetrate serious injustice see Murphy 1973; Duff 2001, ch. Finally, the relation between the ideal and the actual is especially problematic in the context of punishment partly because it involves the preconditions of just punishment. That is to say, what makes an actual system of punishment unjust ified might be not its own operations as such what punishment is or achieves within that system , but the absence of certain political, legal and moral conditions on which the whole system depends for its legitimacy see Duff 2001, ch.

Recent scholarship on punishment has increasingly acknowledged that the justification of punishment depends on the justification of the criminal law more generally, and indeed the legitimacy of the state itself see s. For example, if the state passes laws criminalising conduct that is not justifiably prohibited, then this calls into question the justification of the punishment it imposes for violations of these laws. Similarly, if the procedures by which criminal justice officials apprehend, charge, and prosecute individuals are unjustified, then the subsequent inflictions of punishment will be unjustified as well see Ristroph 2015 and 2016; on specific aspects of criminal procedure, see, e. Bibliography Primoratz 1999, Honderich 2005, Ellis 2012, and Brooks 2013 are useful introductory books. Duff and Garland 1994; Ashworth, von Hirsch; and Roberts 2009; and Tonry 2011 are useful collections of readings. Adelsberg, L. Guenther, and S. Adler, J.

Alexander, L. Allais, L. Altman, A. Altman, M. Anderson, J. Ardal, P. Ashworth, A. Roberts eds.

Duff and S. Zedner, and P. Tomlin eds. Bagaric, M. Baker, B. Cragg ed. Barnett, R. Becker, L.

Bennett, C. Flanders and Z. Hoskins eds. Bentham, J. Berman, M. Green eds. Bianchi, H. Bickenbach, J.

Boonin, D. Bottoms, A. Ashworth and M. Wasik eds. Braithwaite, J. Tonry, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 241—367. Brettschneider, C. Brooks, T.

Brown, J. Brownlee, K. Brudner, A. Burgh, R. Caruso, G. Chau, P. Chiao, V. Christie, N.

British Journal of Criminology, 17: 1—15. Ciocchetti, C. Cogley, Z. Timpe and C. Boyd eds. Cottingham, J. Dagger, R. Laborde and J.

Maynor eds. Daly, K. Davidovic, J.

Oh, damn it!

Скопировать И не важно сколько раз детей понесли наказание. Джонни всего лишь пропустил контрольную по математике. It seems harsh! Скопировать А жизнь наказывает лгунов без любви и милосердия.

Наказание же, научит тебя любить правду. Я признаюсь, что придумал, что Епископ запер жену и детей. And life punishes liars ruthlessly. Your punishment will teach you to love the truth.

I admit I made that up, about you locking your wife and children in, sir. Скопировать Ну, в интернат, это ведь наказание? Для меня это просто школа. I mean, to boarding school, to punish you?

Я живу в корпусе персонала с родителями.

Raskolnikov tries to find out what he wants, but the artisan says only one word — "murderer", and walks off. Petrified, Raskolnikov returns to his room and falls into thought and then sleep. He wakens from an eerie nightmare about the murder of the old woman to find another complete stranger present, this time a man of aristocratic appearance. The man politely introduces himself as Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov. He claims to no longer have any romantic interest in Dunya, but wants to stop her from marrying Luzhin, and offers her ten thousand roubles. Raskolnikov refuses the money on her behalf and refuses to facilitate a meeting. Svidrigailov also mentions that his wife, who defended Dunya at the time of the unpleasantness but died shortly afterwards, has left her 3000 rubles in her will.

The meeting with Luzhin that evening begins with talk of Svidrigailov—his depraved character, his presence in Petersburg, the unexpected death of his wife and the 3000 rubles left to Dunya. Luzhin takes offence when Dunya insists on resolving the issue with her brother, and when Raskolnikov draws attention to the slander in his letter, Luzhin becomes reckless, exposing his true character. Dunya tells him to leave and never come back. Now free and with significant capital, they excitedly begin to discuss plans for the future, but Raskolnikov suddenly gets up and leaves, telling them, to their great consternation, that it might be the last time he sees them. He instructs the baffled Razumikhin to remain and always care for them. She is gratified that he is visiting her, but also frightened of his strange manner. He asks a series of merciless questions about her terrible situation and that of Katerina Ivanovna and the children. Raskolnikov begins to realize that Sonya is sustained only by her faith in God.

She reveals that she was a friend of the murdered Lizaveta. In fact, Lizaveta gave her a cross and a copy of the Gospels. She passionately reads to him the story of the raising of Lazarus from the Gospel of John. His fascination with her, which had begun at the time when her father spoke of her, increases and he decides that they must face the future together. As he leaves he tells her that he will come back tomorrow and tell her who killed her friend Lizaveta. When Raskolnikov presents himself for his interview, Porfiry resumes and intensifies his insinuating, provocative, ironic chatter, without ever making a direct accusation. Back at his room Raskolnikov is horrified when the old artisan suddenly appears at his door. He had been one of those present when Raskolnikov returned to the scene of the murders, and had reported his behavior to Porfiry.

The atmosphere deteriorates as guests become drunk and the half-mad Katerina Ivanovna engages in a verbal attack on her German landlady. With chaos descending, everyone is surprised by the sudden and portentous appearance of Luzhin. He sternly announces that a 100-ruble banknote disappeared from his apartment at the precise time that he was being visited by Sonya, whom he had invited in order to make a small donation.

You generally have 30 days from the date of the rejection letter to file your request for an appeal. Refer to your rejection letter for the specific deadline.

Наказание - перевод с русского на английский

Read the latest headlines, breaking news, and videos at , the definitive source for independent journalism from every corner of the globe. punishment, penalty, chastisement, judgment, discipline, penance, plague. Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. 43-летняя супермодель проявила эмоции на публике в Майами. Жизель Бюндхен не смогла сдержать слез, получив штраф от полицейского. Перевод слова НАКАЗАНИЕ на английский язык, смотреть в русско-английском словаре.

Crime and Punishment (Преступление и наказание). F. Dostoyevsky

За вмешательство в выборы и кражу гостайны, согласно законопроекту, в Соединённом Королевстве планируют установить наказание в виде 14 лет лишения свободы. Министр юстиции и генеральный прокурор Польши Збигнев Зебро в марте заявил, что польские власти намерены усилить ответственность за шпионаж. Он пояснил, что меры в Уголовном кодексе Польши несовершенны, так как в среднем наказание за шпионаж в Польше составляет четыре года.

Неужели такой большой штраф? Она встречается с Хоакимом Валенте, тренером по джиу-джитсу. Влюбленные много времени проводят вместе.

Валенте знаком с детьми Бюндхен.

Unpaid toll fine - Штраф за неуплату платы за проезд 31. Child car seat fine - Штраф за отсутствие детского автокресла 32. Fishing without a license fine - Штраф за рыболовство без лицензии 33. Hunting without a license fine - Штраф за охоту без лицензии 34. Trespassing fine - Штраф за проникновение на чужую территорию 35. Speeding in a school zone - Превышение скорости в школьной зоне 36. Jaywalking fine - Штраф за переход дороги в неположенном месте 37.

Driving without insurance - Вождение без страховки 38. Driving with expired tags - Вождение со сроком действия устаревших номеров 39. Lane violation - Нарушение правил движения по полосам 40. Seat belt violation - Нарушение правил по использованию ремней безопасности 41. Texting while driving - Писать сообщения по телефону при вождении 43. U-turn violation - Нарушение правил общего оборота 44. Failure to yield - Непредоставление первенства проезда 45. Running a red light - Проезд на красный свет 46.

Carpool lane violation - Нарушение правил использования общей полосы движения 51. Failure to give way to emergency vehicles - Непредоставление первенства проезда скорой помощи или другим спецтранспортам 52. Unsafe lane change - Небезопасное изменение полосы движения 53. Driving without headlights at night - Вождение без фар в ночное время 54. Drag racing - Уличные гонки со смертельным исходом 55. Failure to stop at a stop sign - Непредоставление первенства проезда при знаке стоп 56. Driving on the wrong side of the road - Вождение по встречной полосе движения 57. Illegal passing - Нелегальный обгон 58.

Driving a vehicle without proper registration - Вождение не зарегистрированных автомобилей 60.

Скопировать Ну, в интернат, это ведь наказание? Для меня это просто школа. I mean, to boarding school, to punish you?

Я живу в корпусе персонала с родителями. Кстати, не всех детей сюда посылают в наказание. Дети, откройте свои альбомы и достаньте карандаши. I live in the staff quarters, with my mum and dad.

And by the way, all kids are not sent here to be punished. Children, open your sketchbooks and take out your pencils. Скопировать Я требую, чтобы ваше величество изгнал его из двора, и наказал его так, как сочтет нужным. I demand that Your Majesty banish him from court with whatever other punishment Your Majesty sees fit.

There will be no punishment. Unless your daughter accuses Mr. Brandon of rape.

Текст на английском с переводом для универа

Короткая ссылка 11 мая 2022, 02:41 Власти Великобритании ужесточат наказание за нарушение закона о шпионаже, увеличив срок до пожизненного заключения, сообщает The Daily Telegraph со ссылкой на главу британского МВД Прити Пател. Как отмечает ТАСС, также планируется расширить возможности по преследованию иностранцев, обвиняемых в совершении диверсий, в том числе на объектах критической инфраструктуры с помощью БПЛА или кибератак. Сотрудникам иностранных разведслужб будет грозить пожизненное заключение в случае подготовки «враждебных действий».

Министр юстиции и генеральный прокурор Польши Збигнев Зебро в марте заявил, что польские власти намерены усилить ответственность за шпионаж. Он пояснил, что меры в Уголовном кодексе Польши несовершенны, так как в среднем наказание за шпионаж в Польше составляет четыре года. Ошибка в тексте?

The atmosphere deteriorates as guests become drunk and the half-mad Katerina Ivanovna engages in a verbal attack on her German landlady. With chaos descending, everyone is surprised by the sudden and portentous appearance of Luzhin. He sternly announces that a 100-ruble banknote disappeared from his apartment at the precise time that he was being visited by Sonya, whom he had invited in order to make a small donation.

Sonya fearfully denies stealing the money, but Luzhin persists in his accusation and demands that someone search her. The mood in the room turns against Sonya, Luzhin chastises her, and the landlady orders the family out. Luzhin is discredited, but Sonya is traumatized, and she runs out of the apartment.

Raskolnikov follows her. But it is only a prelude to his confession that he is the murderer of the old woman and Lizaveta. Painfully, he tries to explain his abstract motives for the crime to uncomprehending Sonya.

She is horrified, not just at the crime, but at his own self-torture, and tells him that he must hand himself in to the police. Lebezyatnikov appears and tells them that the landlady has kicked Katerina Ivanovna out of the apartment and that she has gone mad. They find Katerina Ivanovna surrounded by people in the street, completely insane, trying to force the terrified children to perform for money, and near death from her illness.

Svidrigailov has been residing next door to Sonya, and overheard every word of the murder confession. Part 6 edit Razumikhin tells Raskolnikov that Dunya has become troubled and distant after receiving a letter from someone. As Raskolnikov is about to set off in search of Svidrigailov, Porfiry himself appears and politely requests a brief chat.

He sincerely apologises for his previous behavior and seeks to explain the reasons behind it. Strangely, Raskolnikov begins to feel alarmed at the thought that Porfiry might think he is innocent. He claims that he will be arresting him soon, but urges him to confess to make it easier on himself.

Raskolnikov chooses to continue the struggle. Raskolnikov finds Svidrigailov at an inn and warns him against approaching Dunya. Svidrigailov, who has in fact arranged to meet Dunya, threatens to go to the police, but Raskolnikov is unconcerned and follows when he leaves.

She reluctantly accompanies him to his rooms, where he reveals what he overheard and attempts to use it to make her yield to his desire. Dunya, however, has a gun and she fires at him, narrowly missing: Svidrigailov gently encourages her to reload and try again. Eventually she throws the gun aside, but Svidrigailov, crushed by her hatred for him, tells her to leave.

He gives her 3000 rubles, telling her she will need it if she wishes to follow Raskolnikov to Siberia. He spends the night in a miserable hotel and the following morning commits suicide in a public place.

Now, if you wish to perform the sanctions, your first act will be cleaning the graffiti off this wall. Я приму наказание. Нужно хотя бы какое-нибудь наказание. Ты помещал меня в клетку с тем животным, и я покажу тебе, каково наказание.

Оставьте меня в камере с этим животным и я покажу, каким может быть наказание. Наказание - 15 лет в федеральной тюрьме. The penalty for which is 15 years in a federal prison. Наказание - пять лет в федеральной тюрьме. The penalty for which is five years in a federal prison. Они понесут наказание.

И я также знаю, что ты сидишь тут передо мной только потому, что думаешь, что наказание, которое я могу назначить, не будет иметь значения. Напомните, каково наказание, если вас признают виновным в убийстве в вашей стране? Our brave and dutiful officials will quell the rebellion - Да там, в основном, отбывающие наказание впервые. Mostly first-time offenders. Они не впервые отбывают наказание. Первый же пропущенный рабочий день - и он начнет отбывать наказание в Синг-синг.

The first day of work he misses is the day he begins his sentence at sing sing. Это наказание.

Russian Politics & Diplomacy

перевод на английский язык, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, определение. Суд может наложить штраф. Смело включайте детективы в оригинале и наслаждайтесь! ❣ Привет, ребят! 👉 В прошлый раз мы разобрали различные преступления на английском, а теперь. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like buily, cheat, fight and more. Как "наказание" в английский: punishment, penalty, discipline. Контекстный перевод: Во многих странах строжайшая мера наказания — смертная казнь. Во время судебного разбирательства (court proceeding) выносят приговор (to pass verdict on smb) и назначают наказание (to mete out punishment to smb).

Преступление и наказание. Лексика на английском.

Latest London news, business, sport, celebrity and entertainment from the London Evening Standard. Как переводится «наказание» с русского на английский: переводы с транскрипцией, произношением и примерами в онлайн-словаре. offers free real time quotes, portfolio, streaming charts, financial news, live stock market data and more. "Deuspi" is a silent film without any language spoken, so we will be exploiting the visuals in this lesson by getting students to create their original sentences in English to describe what they. НАКАЗАНИЕ — НАКАЗАНИЕ, наказания, ср. 1. Взыскание, налагаемое имеющим право, власть или силу, на того, кто совершил преступление или проступок; кара.

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