Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

The 2024 NHL Draft prospects list is topped by Macklin Celebrini. The 17-year-old forward player has currently committed to Boston University. Vancouver native started competing for the BC Junior Canucks in 2015. Эксперт Sportsnet Сэм Косентино представил свой февральский рейтинг. Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов.

Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024

Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Маклин Селебрини. На драфте НХЛ 2023 года было выбрано 19 россиян, что стало минимальным показателем с 2017 года. Лента новостей. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon. The 2024 NHL draft does not have an abundance of Centers with clear 1C upside, but Helenius is certainly on that short list. Недавно был опубликован первоначальный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года.

"Кросби как пример". Кто из россиян может быть выбран в первом раунде драфта НХЛ

Louis will receive a third-round pick in 2024 if the Rangers qualify for the 2023 Stanley Cup playoffs [59] — was converted on March 27, 2023. Louis in exchange for this pick. Louis Blues as the result of a trade December 8, 2023, that sent Robert Bortuzzo to New York in exchange for this pick.

There are too many cool features to list; explore yourself! We now have in depth scouting profiles from our scout Sandman linked within the rankings spreadsheet under the second column "UH" - simply click on that to be taken to that respective profile. For optimal viewing, you can open up the spreadsheet rankings to a separate page by clicking the icon in the upper right-hand corner. Please enjoy and, as always, we appreciate any feedback from all of you Upsiders. Join us on the Upside. This is our February update to our patented quintessential spreadsheet format, composed by the incomparable Chief of Scouting, E-Mac. Watch for features to be added and expanded upon as the season unfolds.

These picks are listed below. Louis Blues as the result of a trade on February 9, 2023, that sent Vladimir Tarasenko and Niko Mikkola to New York in exchange for Sammy Blais , Hunter Skinner , a conditional first-round pick in 2023 and this pick being conditional at the time of the trade. Louis will receive a third-round pick in 2024 if the Rangers qualify for the 2023 Stanley Cup playoffs [59] — was converted on March 27, 2023.

Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место. Контракт Демидова со СКА действует еще два сезона. Несмотря на такие лестные оценки, уроженцу подмосковного Сергиева Посада как минимум в течение двух лет нужно постараться пробиться в основной состав СКА, чтобы реализовать свой талант. Главный тренер команды Молодежной хоккейной лиги МХЛ "СКА-1946", в составе которой Демидов побил рекорд по результативности Кучерова в лиге среди игроков в возрасте до 17 лет, Александр Титов по технике и мысли сравнил хоккеиста с двукратным обладателем Кубка Стэнли Павлом Дацюком. По словам тренера, Демидову ни в коем случае нельзя останавливаться в своем развитии. Надо работать на тренировках. Для того, чтобы играть в первой команде, а не в фарм-клубах". Сам Демидов уже давал понять, что пока не думает о драфте. Интересно, что согласно скаутским выкладкам, в топ-16 рейтингов TSN Маккензи и Баттона попали сразу семь защитников. В первой десятке место занял довольно рослый, но подвижный защитник Антон Силаев, который несмотря на свои 17 лет, имеет постоянное место в составе "Торпедо", а главный тренер нижегородцев Игорь Ларионов известен доверием молодежи. При этом Силаев имеет довольно много игрового времени - около 20 минут за матч. Мы переживаем, что можем перегрузить его игровым временем, но он всех радует своим прогрессом, - рассказал ТАСС генменеджер "Торпедо" Максим Гафуров.

2024 NHL Draft Rankings

NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини. Full round 2024 NHL mock draft projections, with trades and compensatory picks based on weekly team projections and college and amateur player rankings. Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. Журналисты Sportsnet составили рейтинг 30 лучших хоккеистов грядущего драфта НХЛ. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ.

Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024

Закрыть Данная ссылка временно не работает Мы добавляем новые разделы и новый функционал, мы очень стараемся, но не все еще успели добавить или временно убираем страницы, с которыми возникли некоторые проблемы, для доработки. Скоро данная ссылка будет активна. Спасибо за понимание!

Louis Blues as the result of a trade December 8, 2023, that sent Robert Bortuzzo to New York in exchange for this pick. They are listed below with round, teams, condition itself and further notes, e.

Catton reads plays at a high level, has great speed, has the hands to play in tight spaces, and is reliable on the defensive side of the puck. Dickinson is up to three goals and 10 points through 12 contests this year, which is nearly half of the totals he put up through 62 games last season nine and 23 respectively. His floor could end up being a reliable top-four defenceman in the NHL who sees some powerplay time. Lindstrom has 22 points in 14 games which leads his team and is good for eighth in the WHL. His 13 goals also lead his team and have him tied for fourth in the WHL. He could very well end up as a solid second line centre. Kiviharju is excellent in transition, given his incredible hockey IQ and high-level skating and puck skills. He has one goal and two points through seven games in the Liiga this season, which is a goal more and a point less than he managed through 22 games in his rookie season last year. Kiviharju has the potential to be a top-pair, top power play defenceman, but it is also possible he settles in as a top-four power play quarterback. Either way, I see him running a top power play unit. He has excellent hockey IQ and a high-level vision and playmaking allow him to find open teammates and rack up assists while still being a threat to score. Helenius has five goals and 10 points in 17 games this season, which is just a point shy of his total through 33 games last season. So, what does this mean for Adam?

Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. В топ-10 списка оказались белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов и российский нападающий Иван Демидов, занявшие третье и четвертое места соответственно. Это показывает, насколько некоторые специалисты уверены в перспективах этого защитника, выступающего в главной юниорской лиге США.

Российские игроки вошли в топ-5 проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet

Additionally, while his vision is fantastic, he does not always connect on pass attempts, and will likely never be a high-end play-maker. But make no mistake, he has the potential to be one of the premier two-way wingers in the NHL. He uses the threat of his shot very effectively to create passing lanes for his teammates to move into. He plays a very intelligent game which sees him attack the middle often and quite successfully as he leverages a combination of his high-level stickhandling and physical tools. The knock on his game thus far has been his quirky staking style, but it seems to be improving with each game, and he still has good speed in-spite of his mechanics. Additionally, he has proven to be quite the effective penalty killer for Windsor, and this is a result of his excellent stick movement, often eliminating passing lanes in the defensive zone and helping create passing options in the offensive zone. Similarly to Misa, he looks to pray on the vulnerable and does a great job of stick lifting and poke checking to cause disruption in puck possession.

Iginla does well at feathering passes in tight and does a good job with puck security when being pursued by multiple attackers at close proximity. Iginla has second line upside and could be deployed at center or wing without losing a step. But make no mistake, the Nizhnekamsk native has been one of the best three Russian forwards amongst his age-group for the last couple of years. This year however? He has taken a giant leap, and is playing at a level in the KHL that very few draft eligibles ever achieve. Artamonov belies the outdated stereotype of the skilled, Russian winger who only plays in the offensive zone.

He is an energiser bunny. Voracious on the fore-check, diligent in the defensive zone, with an active stick that constantly disrupts lanes. Furthermore, while no-one would mistake him for a physical player, he is more than happy to go to the corners or net-front. He is a great skater and a fantastic passer, alongside this his ability to get free ice in the offensive zone is exceptional. The downsides? He has extremely good speed for his size especially his lateral speed that allows him to shift positioning when he is slighly further away from where he needs to be when defending against the rush.

Silyaev uses his reach and size to take up space. While this ranking might seem relatively low to where others have Silayev, the offensive upside of Artamonov, Iginla, Misa, Greentree and others in the 10-20 range made it a challenge for the Smaht team to push Silayev up higher. Josh Tessler 18 — Trevor Connelly, F, Tri-City Trevor Connelly does a good job of not forcing the puck into danger and will pivot away from pressure to get the separation that he needs to complete a pass to the interior. When driving the cycle to find a lane to the slot, he does a good job of navigating the puck around pressure with his reach and great handling. He will work the puck along the boards and scan for passing lanes to get the puck to an open teammate in the slot. If he has the puck and a teammate is close by with an attacker looking on, he will delay, draw the attacker to him and then pass to his teammate who is now open with a clear lane to the crease.

Hemming has them all. He can be a juggernaut even against men in Liiga, able to use his speed, edge-work, pick-handling and size in conjunction to drop a shoulder and get past anyone. Even at 17 years old against men, Hemming has an incredible transition game. His wrist-shot is lethal to boot, and he is able to pick a corner from anywhere on ice. While he has the size he rarely uses it, and plays on the perimeter. Defensively he gets lost far too often, and his consistency is also worrying, as even against his own age-group he can go missing for long stretches.

There is the upside for him to be a 30 goal scorer in the NHL if he can iron out these kinks. Boisvert will toe drag to get separation and then quickly make use of a passing lane. He has a great shot off of the rush and has found success sniping far side top shelf goals from low danger. His dangling and toe drags have helped light the lamp in Muskegon regularly. Is this simply a case of the spotlight being so strong, for so long, that his weaknesses have been magnified? The answer is probably no.

There are legitimate concerns over his game. He is undersized, he is not the best skater, and early this season a knee injury that required surgery has put him out for four months. Kiviharju is expected to be healthy again in February. However, in a league where top pairing defensemen are at a premium, if Kiviharju falls outside the first? There is the potential for one of the bigger draft steals in recent history. While there are concerns about his game the upside is inarguable.

His hockey IQ would be the envy of most NHLers, he is almost always two-steps ahead and rarely makes bad decisions. This, combined with fantastic vision, great passing and silky hands means he is great in transition, and controls play when set-up in the OZ. Defensively he has an active stick, good gap control, and thrives on breaking up plays before they develop.

Набоков является основным голкипером «Металлурга», который вышел в финал Кубка Гагарина, где сыграет с ярославским «Локомотивом».

Clarke Caswell, C, Swift Current Broncos — Continues to slide down our board after an initial impressive World Under-17 Hockey Challenge performance for Canada even though he flashes some strong playmaking. Justin Poirier, RW, Baie-Comeau Drakkar — The small but highly skilled forward can take over a game but only when he wants to and so far there have been too many lazy looking shifts to start the season. He takes many useless shots and he lacks some hockey IQ with awareness. Still a good prospect, just not as high as we once were on him. So, stick around as we promise to offer you plenty of educated and honest draft related content this season, including our 2024 Draft Preview Magazine coming in time for Christmas.

Несмотря на такие лестные оценки, уроженцу подмосковного Сергиева Посада как минимум в течение двух лет нужно постараться пробиться в основной состав СКА, чтобы реализовать свой талант. Главный тренер команды Молодежной хоккейной лиги МХЛ "СКА-1946", в составе которой Демидов побил рекорд по результативности Кучерова в лиге среди игроков в возрасте до 17 лет, Александр Титов по технике и мысли сравнил хоккеиста с двукратным обладателем Кубка Стэнли Павлом Дацюком. По словам тренера, Демидову ни в коем случае нельзя останавливаться в своем развитии. Надо работать на тренировках. Для того, чтобы играть в первой команде, а не в фарм-клубах". Сам Демидов уже давал понять, что пока не думает о драфте. Интересно, что согласно скаутским выкладкам, в топ-16 рейтингов TSN Маккензи и Баттона попали сразу семь защитников. В первой десятке место занял довольно рослый, но подвижный защитник Антон Силаев, который несмотря на свои 17 лет, имеет постоянное место в составе "Торпедо", а главный тренер нижегородцев Игорь Ларионов известен доверием молодежи. При этом Силаев имеет довольно много игрового времени - около 20 минут за матч. Мы переживаем, что можем перегрузить его игровым временем, но он всех радует своим прогрессом, - рассказал ТАСС генменеджер "Торпедо" Максим Гафуров. Весной или в феврале, когда опытные команды встанут на рельсы, будет многое видно". Сам Ларионов отметил в конце сентября, что Силаев играет очень хорошо для своего возраста. Главное, его не перегрузить эмоционально, потому что он мальчишка, получающий большое количество времени.

NHL Draft 2024 prospects ranking: Celebrini leads Pronman’s April list, Levshunov follows

Драфт НХЛ 2024 — Рувики: Интернет-энциклопедия Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 проспекты.
Левшунова включают в топ-10 проспектов драфта NHL-2024 Sebastian High: The 2024 Draft Class is a fascinating one.
Sportsnet: Демидов – 3-й в рейтинге проспектов на драфте НХЛ-2024, Силаев – 8-й, Чернышов – 18-й Белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов занимает шестую позицию в рейтинге лучших проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии портала Elite Prospects.


Despite limited KHL ice time, nobody is as creative as Demidov, who features a good mix of high hockey IQ, strong skating and tremendous vision. You can build a core around Demidov. At 6-foot-3, Dickinson has good speed, a great first stride and makes smart decisions with the puck. He has an NHL-caliber shot, but his bread and butter is being a dominant shutdown threat every single shift.

From watching him a few times this year, I feel like he deserves more than the 0. The Medicine Hat Tigers forward seems to get better with every game, and he has tremendous speed for his frame. From talking to a few WHL defenders, Lindstrom might be the most feared player in a 1-on-1 situation due to his combination of speed, skill and pure mass.

The upside here is enormous — literally. The big draw is his mobility, which allows him to move more like someone five inches shorter. He can be a bit slow to move the puck at points and game-to-game consistency needs improvement, but the potential for Silayev to become much more than just a skating skyscraper is tantalizing.

After a fantastic rookie season with Spokane, Catton — one of the best playmakers in the draft — is on pace to break the 100-point barrier this year. But the younger brother of Columbus Blue Jackets prospect David Jiricek is still getting the chance to play against pros, where his decision-making with the puck has looked solid. Jiricek is aggressive and can shoot with power, but his skating needs work — just like David at the same age.

He scored 21 goals as a rookie last year which was bonkers. He started off slow, but Kiviharju had points in his final two games as his ice time started to improve. Yakemchuk is skilled with the puck and makes smart decisions with the puck, but his defensive game can be a struggle sometimes.

Регистрация займет у вас всего 5 минут, но вы получите доступ к некоторым дополнительным функциям и скрытым разделам. Закрыть Данная ссылка временно не работает Мы добавляем новые разделы и новый функционал, мы очень стараемся, но не все еще успели добавить или временно убираем страницы, с которыми возникли некоторые проблемы, для доработки. Скоро данная ссылка будет активна.

He absolutely dominated the Finnish U20 league to start the year and earned a callup to the Liiga where he has already scored a handful of pro goals. Hemming is great at skating through contact and protecting the puck, and his shot is clearly NHL caliber. He just barely measured in at 6-feet tall this season but he plays like someone several inches taller, constantly moving his feet and battling for possession along the boards and in front of his own net. He was great for Sweden at the Hlinka Gretzky Cup where I thought he defended the rush really well, especially when it came to shutting plays down with a well-placed stick check.

Second Round: 33. He had an excellent start to the year with Chicoutimi, scoring 17 points in just 12 games, but slowed down for most of the season. I think his skating is the only thing holding him back from being a top-20 pick, but I think some continued improvement there should be enough for him to become an NHL player for a long time. Vanacker understands what he does well and plays a very adaptable game that I think could translate well in a middle-six role someday. Zether is a 6-foot-3, right-shot center who plays a relatively mistake-free game with a ton of puck skill and a really high compete level. He is a very tenacious player away from the puck, constantly forechecking and battling and his size might be the only thing that could hold him back. I can see him becoming a Conor Garland-type of player who makes things happen through sheer endurance and force of will in an NHL middle-six.

Luchanko has good skill with the puck and skates quite well, making him a dangerous player with the puck in transition. Luchanko reads plays really well and has that knack for timing and finding openings in defensive coverage that is difficult to teach. Cole Beaudoin, C, Barrie Colts OHL Cole Beaudoin is a strong two-way center who has shown good offense at the junior level but has some questions about his future offense as a pro given his sluggish skating stride. His hockey sense and stick checking often make up for his lack of footspeed in forechecking and backchecking situations, but he will need to get quicker to be as successful in the NHL someday. He scored just eight points in 56 USHL games last season, but he has shown some excellent growth this year, already tripling that production with a few games left on the schedule. Misa looks really quick in junior, winning tons of puck races and beating defenders out wide on the rush regularly. The biggest barrier for Misa at this point is simply his size.

At 5-foot-10 he struggles to play through contact against larger competitors and relies heavily on his speed, which, to his credit, does work quite well in the OHL. He battles hard along the boards and never quits on a back-check. Shuravin is someone I could see rising into the first round of the draft because a mobile defenseman of his size with great defensive potential is very valuable, even if his offense never shines. He would absolutely be a project player, but the size and work ethic will excite NHL GMs and both his hands and shot are good enough that you can see him becoming a bottom-six guy in the NHL with skating improvements. Dean Letourneau, C, St. Dean Letourneau, St. Andrews College Paul Mosey, St.

Miettinen is a big center 6-foot-3 who is very dangerous offensively because of his powerful skating and quick hands. He creates a lot of chances at the junior level, and can do so from anywhere on the ice. Miettinen has improved when it comes to using his size to box out opponents or to protect the puck, and could become a strong bottom-six center in the NHL someday as a result. He skates well, being quick enough to carry the puck on the rush and agile enough to maintain good gaps while defending. Vaisanen also has a heavy slap shot and is a smart passer, both of which have served him well as a full-time pro this year in the Liiga. William Zellers, C, Shattuck St.

Он правша с профессиональным телосложением. Он хорошо катается, обладает хорошей подвижностью в четырех направлениях. Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году. Он умело пасует и владеет шайбой, может с комфортом руководить выходами из своей зоны и входами в чужую зону.

Два российских игрока вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet

Looking ahead at the 2024 NHL Draft's top 12 prospects - The Win Column Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов.
NFL DRAFT 2024 Overall Prospect Rankings With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November.
2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon Тегибелорусы на драфте нхл, драфт нхл белорусы.
Preliminary 2024 NHL Draft Rankings Сайт НХЛ опубликовал рейтинг проспектов, выходящих на драфт-2024.
NFL Draft 2024 top-100 prospects: Expert rankings of best players available Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона.

Preliminary 2024 NHL Draft Rankings

He has become much better at anticipating play, and become a rather proficient stick-checker as well. He has plenty of time to get there, and he looks plenty impressive as is. If he continues on this path, he can make his placement on draft day a very difficult conversation. And boy did he ever. The undersized winger is now the captain of his team at 18 years old, and by far their leader in production and overall on-ice impact. Often their lone forward when defending a 5 on 3 power play, often out in the last minute of the game to win a key faceoff or defend the lead, Howe is the go-to guy in Regina in defensive situations as well.

With solid skating, a high-end motor and surprisingly good board battle mechanics, Howe always outworks his opponents along the boards. His puck skills need refining, but he should easily work his way into an NHL middle six in the near future. As his highlight-reel plays decreased, however, his game got more nuanced and scout-friendly. The Lumberjacks forward has some clear weaknesses — the lack of knee bend in his skating holds him back as he struggles to cut back against pressure and get involved in offensive transitions, and his defensive game falters as a result as well — but the upside is there. He makes plays in-stride, identifies his next play early, and knows when to let on-ice scenarios develop instead of rushing his ideas.

He then executes well with a solid shot, great hands and adept passing skills. Offensively, he flashes brilliant skill, combined with advanced anticipation, creativity, deception, and processing speed. On the other hand, his defensive play has turned a fair few hairs on our heads gray already. His loose gap control, very inconsistent defensive scanning both against the rush and the cycle, and perception of secondary scoring threats have all plagued our early viewings and contributed to his fall outside our top 20, despite the elite skill in a class lacking just that. Hutson could easily rocket up our board with increased consistency in his play and a bit of polishing on his defensive game as the season progresses, but for now, he falls at 24.

Matvei Shuravin, LD — Krasnaya Armiya Moscow MHL Graham Montgomery — Not many draft-eligible players play with the kind of poise and confidence Shuravin does when they are playing against grown men in the second-best league in the world. Physically, he is very raw. His confidence and hockey sense allow him to make up for his below-average puck skills. He manages gaps well and positions himself correctly more often than not. This combined with his smooth skating and willingness to engage physically gives him a solid foundation as a defensive defenseman.

Sennecke is really creative and will try just about anything to make a play. Sennecke is a very competitive player on the forecheck. He could have a big finish to his season if things start to click for him. A reliable and towering presence on the backend, Emery has shown great aptitude for being a shutdown defenseman; especially when it comes to defending the rush, his anticipation combined with his superior speed and size make him a tough wall to climb. But what sets him apart from the similarly styled members of his team is his play on the puck.

He also has flashes of skill that indicate there may be more offence to show, but his lack of ice time so far leaves them as flashes. A lot of his points have come off of one-touch plays off the cycle, but the occasional off-the-boards play while protecting the puck shows the potential for more, especially with his 6-foot-2, almost 200-pound frame. A rifle of a shot and a knack for finding soft ice away from the puck allow Greentree to make the most out of his scoring chances. His playmaking shows up in flashes which follow his inconsistent scanning, and the skating holds him back from being able to jump into offensive zone transitions consistently, but the upside as a middle-six scoring winger with power-forward elements will likely see him go higher on draft day than we have him. An exceptional skater who consistently explodes out of the defensive zone with the puck on his stick, Basha has been getting more and more comfortable jumpstarting those breakout opportunities with defensive mapping, anticipating play well and positioning himself proactively in his own zone.

On the puck, there are some limiting factors. The upside if he can get his hands up to speed is interesting, but his versatility could see him become a bottom-six transition force with or without progression in that area. He shows flashes of a strong offensive defenseman, especially with his good hands and shot. Time will tell what kind of prospect Mews can be. If he puts everything together, he projects as an average-sized two-way defenseman who can play on a power play.

He can play a fairly linear style, rarely using lateral movement and lane switches to create off the rush, preferring to delegate the bulk of the work in transition to his linemates while he crashes the slot. His snapshot is a good tool, especially on the powerplay. While there may not be any top 6 upside in Beaudoin, we see a projectable and valuable potential bottom six-piece in Beaudoin, with PP and PK value. Hemming can be a lethal scoring threat as he excels at finding soft spots where he can utilize his shot. What sets Hemming apart from the top forward prospects right now is the lack of variety in his game in the offensive zone.

He consistently opts for a shot in every situation, allowing opponents to anticipate his moves. He could elevate his offensive game to the next level by starting to pass the puck more and making his game a bit more unpredictable. He could also develop his game by exploring deceptive plays, as his current tendency to skate predictably between the blue line and right circle makes it easier for opponents to read his intentions and optimize their defensive approach.

Arizona Coyotes 3.

Detroit Red Wings 4. Buffalo Sabres 5. Calgary Flames The actual picks for the upcoming draft are not yet finalized. The teams can still trade their picks.

Likewise, the order of the picks will be selected by the lottery. The picks are subject to change until the actual draft. The regular season standings, trades, and lottery might affect the picks by the team. Although the official dates and venues for the draft are yet to be announced, the 62nd NHL Entry Draft is most likely to take place in June 2024.

Prospects are the players eligible to be drafted or signed by the NHL franchise. They are upcoming athletes who have the potential to become hockey royalty. They are judged on the basis of their knowledge of the game, on-ice abilities, and physical attributes. The 17-year-old forward player has currently committed to Boston University.

Топ-10 предварительного рейтинга драфта НХЛ следующего года среди игроков, выступающих в Европе, возглавляет финский нападающий Конста Хелениус.

Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года Россиянин Силаев возглавил международный рейтинг перед драфтом НХЛ 2024 года Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место среди полевых игроков не из Северной Америки. Об этом сообщается на сайте НХЛ.

Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024

An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ. Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона.

Два российских игрока вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet

Центральное скаутское бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) представило промежуточный рейтинг драфта 2024 года. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев возглавил рейтинг игроков не из Северной Америки перед драфтом НХЛ 2024 года. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1. Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона.

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