Новости тренажер светлана английский егэ устная часть

Светлана Инглиш онлайн тренажер ЕГЭ устная часть.

Тренажер по говорению

ЕГЭ по английскому языку Тренажёр" полностью отражает проведение устной части ЕГЭ по английскому.
Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку Сборники вариантов устной части ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку. Задания составлены по онлайн-тренажёру Тренажёр бесплатный, звук записывается, ссылку с результатом можно отправить учителю на проверку.
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Svetlanaenglishonline ru тренажер по говорению

На вебинаре разберём особенности подготовки учащихся к сдаче устной части Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Онлайн-тренажер «Решу ЕГЭ» по английскому языку. Как сюда попасть?Доска почета: шарят в ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Третье преимущество Светланы английский ЕГЭ тренажер устная часть связано с его эффективностью и результативностью. Светлана Инглиш онлайн тренажер ЕГЭ устная часть. Устная часть ЕГЭ: ответы на вопросы.

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  • Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ 2024 по английскому языку

Тренажер по говорению егэ svetlanaenglishonline

Привет! Нравится сидеть в Тик-Токе? ЕГЭ устная часть тренажер. Тренажер по английскому устная часть.
Speaking svetlana english Новые варианты Speaking для ЕГЭ-2023 по английскому языку.
Тренажер по говорению егэ и огэ svetlanaenglishonline Как сюда попасть?Доска почета: шарят в ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Онлайн тренажёр ЕГЭ

Тренажер по английскому устная часть. Устный английский ЕГЭ тренажер. Узнайте об изменениях в заданиях ЕГЭ 2023 по английскому языку, выполните обновленные задания демоверсии устной части с помощью интерактивного тренажера. ЕГЭ английский 2022 устная часть задание 2. Говорение ЕГЭ английский 2022. Тренажёр" полностью отражает проведение устной части ЕГЭ по английскому.

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Трансляция закончилась 6 месяцев назад Фрагменты занятия 8. Устная часть. Задание 4 6 месяцев назад.

ЕГЭ английский устная часть. Картинки на описание по английскому ЕГЭ.

Задание на говорение по английскому. ЕГЭ устная часть тренажер. Тренажер ЕГЭ английский. Демо версия устного английского ЕГЭ. Монолог ОГЭ Art.

Тренажер по английскому устная часть. Устный английский ЕГЭ тренажер. Задания на развитие говорения. Развитие навыков говорения. Навыки говорения на английском языке.

Digital тренажер успех каждого ребенка. Тренажер успех каждого ребенка ответы. Дигитал тренажер успех каждого ребенка ответы. Тренажер классного руководителя. Тренажер по устному английскому ЕГЭ.

ЕГЭ устная часть английский 2022. Устная часть ЕГЭ английский 2021. Описание картинки ЕГЭ. Задание описание картинки. Вопросы для ЕГЭ по английскому.

Задание 2 английский язык ЕГЭ устная часть. Картинки для описания.

ЕГЭ чтение.

Чтение ЕГЭ английский. Лайфхаки английского языка ЕГЭ. Устный английский ЕГЭ.

Вебинар по написанию сочинения ЕГЭ. Гаджиева ЕГЭ 2022 английский. Speaking 2022 Svetlana English.

ЕГЭ задание 32-38. ЕГЭ по английскому языку задания 32-38. Задание 32-38 английский ЕГЭ шпаргалки.

English with Svetlana.

И результат, естественно, устная часть - 19 баллов из 20! Олеся Отлично все работает. Я показала это своей подруге, которая сдавала уже ЕГЭ в прошлом году. Она сказала, что так и выглядело все на экзамене. Радует, что для меня это не будет чем-то новым. Александра Здорово, что появилась такая возможность, как отработать ЕГЭ устную и письменную часть еще раз.

Удобно, наглядно, просто. Мне нравится. Мне понравились еще шпаргалки, классные подсказки!

Speaking svetlana english - фотоподборка

Надеюсь, пошаговые примеры для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ-2024 по английскому были полезны. Сборники вариантов устной части ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку. В устной части экзамена проверяются умения говорения и языковые навыки. Устный экзамен по английскому ЕГЭ 2023. сообщество профессиональных преподавателей! Здесь коллеги учатся готовить учеников к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ, а также углубляют свои знания и оттачивают умения в этом нелёгком деле. В книге представлены подробные рекомендации по выполнению заданий 1–4 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку и упражнения для расширения словарного запаса.

Тренажер по устной части егэ по английскому svetlana

Ваш ответ должен быть максимально личностным, без фантазий. Совет Вы описываете саму фотографию, а не события, которые происходили с людьми до или после того, как фотография была сделана. Совет Вас нет на фото. Вы тот, кто сделал фото. Поэтому если Вы скажете, что на фото я и моя и т. Это важно для проверяющего. Далее Вы можете сказать 1-2 предложения в качестве введения. Необходимо сравнить две фотографии на основе предложенного плана Время подготовки — 1,5 минуты Максимальная оценка — 7 баллов Критерии оценки Четвёртое задание оценивается по тем же критериям, что и третье. В Вашем сравнении должны присутствовать вступление, раскрытие пунктов задания, логически связанные между собой, и заключение. Количество предложений 12-15. Совет Записывайте себя и прослушивайте свои записи.

Вы сами увидите свои основные ошибки. Когда запись покажется Вам идеальной, отправьте её на проверку специалисту. Совет Постоянно упражняйтесь в сравнении картинок. Это требует определённого навыка, чтобы быстро находить сходства и различия. Постарайтесь найти свои шаблоны ответов на вопросы к картинкам. Совет Если Вам сложно спонтанно сравнивать картинки, то запишите свой ответ на бумаге и дайте специалисту на проверку. Если Вы научитесь хорошо сравнивать картинки на бумаге, то Вам будет гораздо проще делать это устно. Для корректной работы онлайн тренажёра мы рекомендуем использовать браузер Google Chrome для компьютеров Windows или Mac. Тренажёр полноценно работает на мобильных устройствах Android и iOS. Если у вас возникли технические сложности — обратитесь к странице помощи или напишите в техподдержку.

Тренажер устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку Перед запуском презентации включи аудиозапись в сторонней программе. Александрова М.

These are called constructed languages. One of the most popular of these languages is Esperanto. What kind of music do you listen to? What kind of music is popular with teenagers nowadays? Who is your favourite performer or musician? Is music important to you?

Do you think everyone should learn to play at least one musical instrument? You are going to give a talk about ecological problems. Вариант 11 Task 1. A natural disaster causes loss of life or property damage and leaves some economic damage afterwards. Often human activities also make causes of natural disasters, such as climate change and deforestation. It is the damage to humans and their property which counts most. The International Red Cross Movement was established to help in emergencies including natural disasters. To live through a disaster, it is important that your family and your city prepare in advance.

This may be making a pack of things you need in an emergency, it may be a government sending soldiers to help, or it may be something in between. It is recommended to keep a disaster survival kit with canned goods, in the advent of such a disaster. Do you watch TV? What kind of TV programmes is popular in your family? What kind of TV programmes is popular with teenagers in your country? How many hours a week do teenagers spend watching TV in your country? Do you think television is becoming less popular nowadays? What kinds of TV programmes would be useful for teenages?

Remember to say: why people celebrate holidays what popular holidays in your country are what traditional meals you have on your favourite holiday what your attitude to celebrating holidays only with a family is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 12 Task 1. Students can attend university to get an academic degree. Unlike the schooling they have done before, the courses at university are specialized. To get a higher degree, people must do some research. The universities were born in Europe during the Middle Ages. College is a kind of school or university, a place where people go to learn skills for future jobs. Most college students go to college right after high school but others choose to go later in life.

Most students are there because it will help them to earn more money and live better lives. Do you follow the news about technological progress? What recent invention or discovery do you think is the most important? What technologies do you use in your everyday life? How can new technologies help you study? Do you agree that schools should teach students how to use new technologies? Вариант 13 Task 1. The beliefs are about the world and the people in it, about how they came into being, and what their purpose is.

These beliefs are often linked to supernatural beings such as God, a number of gods or spirits. Rituals are an important part of the tradition of many religions. In many religions, it is the tradition for people to meet for a celebration on one day in every week. What is the most serious problem in the modern world? How can people solve this problem or make it less serious? What other problems of the modern world do you know? Do you agree that travelling to other countries should be easy? What country would you prefer to live in?

What would you do if you were the president of your country? Вариант 14 Task 1. The most common symbols are letters, which are symbols of words and sounds. A symbol can be an actual object, or a certain colour or pattern. Symbols are used often in poetry and other types of literature. A national emblem is a symbol for a certain country. There are thousands of symbols that are recognized by most people all over the world, and many more that are limited to certain regions, religions, sciences, etc. For example, heart is the symbol of love, dove is the symbol of peace, owl is the symbol of wisdom and intelligence.

It can be an animal, plant or any other thing. How often do you eat out? Why do people eat out? How much money a week do teenagers spend on eating out? What dishes do teenagers usually have while eating out? Do you prefer eating out or at home? What place would you recommend a person who wants to eat out in your city? You are going to give a talk about exchange programs.

Вариант 15 Task 1. The South Pole is hard to reach. It is covered by thick ice more than a mile thick in the centre. The South Pole is very high up and is very windy. Once ashore, land-travelling explorers have to travel more than a thousand miles to get to the pole. The South Pole has a desert climate. It almost never gets any precipitation. Air humidity is near zero.

However, high winds can cause the blowing of snowfall. What social networks do you use? How often do you use social networks? How many hours a day do you spend texting with you friends? What do you usually use social networks for? How can social networks help you study? What do you think about using social networks only by those who are older than 14? Explain your opinion.

Remember to say: what you usually cook and how often what the most famous national dish in your country is, on what occasions people eat it what your favourite dishes are what your attitude to fast food is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 16 Task 1. They were used in winter as temporary shelters by hunters when they were away from their regular homes. They were most often built in places where a lot of snow covers the land for weeks or months at a time, such as the far north of Canada and Greenland. Most igloos are built by native Inuit people. They could build an igloo out of snow bricks in just a couple of hours. Snow is full of air spaces, which helps it hold in warmth. With just a blubber lamp for heat, an igloo could be warmer than the air outside.

Sometimes people would build larger igloos that would last longer and hold more people, even for dancing. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? What else do you do you do to protect your teeth? Do you think your teeth are healthy? How often do you go to see the dentist? What food is bad for teeth, in your opinion? What would you recommend teenagers who want to have healthy teeth? Вариант 17 Task 1.

The taste of chocolate is often described as sweet because chocolate makers usually add a lot of sugar and milk for taste. This means that chocolate can be bad for your teeth and health. There are three main types of chocolate: white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate. White chocolate tastes much sweeter than the other two types because it has more of the sweeter ingredients in it. White chocolate is mostly made of cocoa butter. Milk chocolate is sweet, but not as sweet as white chocolate. Chocolate is safe to eat unless it is eaten in large amounts. Some animals, like dogs and cats, become sick even if they eat only a little chocolate.

People with diabetes can also get sick from eating chocolate. Do you think art is important? What kind of art do you like most? How often do you go to art galleries? Do you have Art lessons at school? Do you create any works of art? If yes, what are they? Would you like to make your career in art?

Remember to say: what natural disasters are the most damaging how people can protect themselves against natural disasters if it is possible to prevent natural disasters, and why what your attitude to natural disasters chasers is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 18 Task 1. It is made by soaking the dried tea leaves in hot water. There are two main types of tea: black tea and green tea. Green tea is made by putting freshly picked leaves into a steamer. This keeps them green. Then they are crushed and dried in ovens. India is the biggest maker and user of green tea.

Why do people buy souvenirs? Where can people buy souvenirs? What are the most popular souvenirs in your country? Do you agree that souvenirs are good presents? Have you ever bought souvenirs? What souvenirs would you like to get? Remember to say: why people have pets if everyone should have a pet what pets are the easiest to take care of what your attitude to having exotic animals as pets is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 19 Task 1.

In the past, it was made of wood, but most of the modern boomerangs are made of other materials. The oldest boomerang was found in a cave in Poland and is more than 20,000 years old. These days returning boomerangs are usually used for recreation. Most of the boomerangs do not have the classical L-shape. The modern boomerang is special in that it will return to the one who threw it if it is thrown correctly. There are a lot of boomerang clubs in many countries all over the world. These clubs organise workshops and tournaments. What do people use computers for?

Do you have a computer at home? Should everyone have a computer?

ЕГЭ английский язык устная часть 2022. Хитрова ЕГЭ 2022 устная часть. ЕГЭ 2022 English. Макмиллан ЕГЭ. Макмиллан ОГЭ говорение.

Говорение тесты. Тренажер ЕГЭ по английскому языку устная часть. ЕГЭ чтение. Чтение ЕГЭ английский. Лайфхаки английского языка ЕГЭ.

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[Svetlana English Online] Устная часть ЕГЭ 2020. Вебинар для преподавателей (Светлана Рудкевич)

Petersburg, Russia, on 18 December 1892 to a modest success and rarely seen the next years. What professions are popular in your country? Have you chosen your future profession yet? Who or what helps you with choosing your profession?

What traits of character do you need for your future profession? Do you think that everyone should go to university in order to be successful? Remember to say: if poetry is important for society, and why what famous poets you know what your favourite poem is what your attitude to learning poems by heart is You have to talk continuously.

Вариант 24 Task 1. No known life can live without it. Water is the most common liquid on Earth.

Pure water has no smell, taste, or colour. Lakes, oceans, and rivers are made of water. Precipitation is water that falls from clouds in the sky.

It may be rain if warm, or it may be frozen if cold. If water gets very cold, it freezes and becomes ice. If water gets very hot, it boils and becomes steam.

Water has been present on Earth since its earlier days and is constantly moved around it by the water cycle. Water is very important for life. However, some studies suggest that by 2025 more than half the people around the world will not have enough fresh water.

Do you have any problems at school? What school problems are the most upsetting for you? What do you do to solve your school problems?

Who helps you when you have problems at school? Do you agree that problems with school grades are more serious than problems with classmates? What would you recommend a teenager who has problems at school?

Remember to say: if cycling is popular nowadays, and why if cycling is good for health, and why if you have a bicycle and if you can ride it what your attitude to cycling in a city or a town is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 25 Task 1. The brain is made up of a special type of cells.

They are connected with each other and with the nerves in our body. The brain does the thinking, learning, and feeling for the body. It is the control centre of the whole body.

The brain also controls basic autonomic body actions, like breathing, digestion, heartbeat, that happen automatically. These activities, and much else, are governed by unconscious functions of the brain and nervous system. In humans, the brain also controls our use of language.

In all animals, the delicate brain is protected in some way. Human brain is protected by the bones of the skull. Why do you think people like celebrations?

What is your favourite holiday? Who do you celebrate your favourite holiday with? Do you decorate your house for holidays and celebrations?

Do you agree that having fun is more important than presents? Вариант 26 Task 1. They are part of the toothed whales.

Generally, they are among the smaller whales. Most live in salt water oceans, but some live in rivers — there are oceanic dolphins and river dolphins. Dolphins are from 1.

Dolphins breathe air. The skin of a dolphin has no scales. It is soft and smooth.

They can kill large sharks by ramming them over and over again with their snouts and heads. How many hours per night do you usually sleep? What time do you usually go to bed?

What do you usually do before going to bed? Do you sleep during the daytime? What helps you sleep well?

Who or what wakes you up in the morning? Remember to say: where you usually buy clothes what kinds of clothes you prefer how much you usually spend on clothes a month what your attitude to designer clothes is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 27 Task 1.

Being able to read and write is an important skill in modern societies. Usually, people learn how to read and write at school. People who can read and write are called literate; those who cannot are called illiterate.

One of the causes of illiteracy is that someone who can manage to live without being able to read and write often does not have any reason to learn it. Cultural factors also play a part, such as having a culture in which communicating by speaking is more important than writing. Do you like taking pictures?

What do you usually take pictures of? What camera do you use to take pictures? Do you prefer taking pictures or having your pictures taken?

What would you recommend a person who wants to take up photography? Remember to say: if you follow the news, and why where you usually get the news what you think the biggest news of this year was, and why what your attitude to watching news on TV is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 28 Task 1.

He wrote 39 plays with about half of them considered comedies and two long poems in his lifetime. His plays are still performed today. There are histories, tragedies and comedies.

These plays are among the best known in English literature and are studied in schools around the world. Shakespeare wrote his works between about 1590 and 1613. Many of the plays are set in strange, distant places and times.

The stories are often exciting and make people want to know what happens to his characters. He says much about things that are still important today, like love, sadness, hope, pride, hatred, jealousy, and foolishness. Shakespeare added new words and phrases to the English language.

He also made some words more popular. He created over 1,700 English words. Do you think you are a happy person?

What makes you happy? Do you believe that happy people make their friends and relatives happy too? What do you do if you feel unhappy?

Do you agree that any person can be happy? You are going to give a talk about bad travelling experience. Вариант 29 Task 1.

The reason for this form of education is that the parent is not happy with the nearby schools, or sometimes for religious or moral purposes. A common situation is for several families to come together to provide the skills needed. This serves two purposes.

First, the range of knowledge and skills is wider. Second, schooling has a more social angle, which itself is good for the development of children. However, there are some problems with homeschooling.

For example, education may be uneven, leaving children with a patchy grasp of many subjects. The children would also get to know fewer other children than they would if they were attending a school. Also, it is obvious that some parents are better placed to organise home education than others.

Are you a motivated person? What activities are you most unmotivated to do? How do you motivate yourself?

Do you have to motivate yourself to study or you just like it? How do you reward yourself for a good job? How do you punish yourself for a bad job?

Вариант 30 Task 1. The Pyramids of Egypt are among the largest structures ever built and are one of the most important examples of Ancient Egyptian civilization. Most were built during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods.

The pyramids were mostly made of limestone. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt.

There is a famous modern glass pyramid in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris. Are you a brave person? What makes you scared?

What are you afraid of most in life? How do you cope with your fears? Some people say that if you are afraid of something, you should do it or face it.

Do you agree? Remember to say: what technologies you use every day in what jobs robots will replace people, and why what the greatest invention is, and why what your attitude to technology is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 31 Task 1.

It is made of a henge, with standing stones in circles. There were three main building phases, each between about 3100 BC and 1950 BC. Around 2600 BC, the builders gave up timber in favour of stone.

Most of the construction took place between 2640 and 2480 BC. No one knows who built Stonehenge or why they built it. During the summer solstice, the sunrise lines up with some of the stones in a particular way.

This suggests that the arrangement of stones may work as a calendar. In Egypt and South America, similar ancient buildings can be found. They also show the time of the solstice.

Stonehenge itself is owned by the Crown and managed by English Heritage. Remember to say: what places people usually want to see in foreign cities or countries what sights in your country you would recommend foreign tourists, and why what sight you would like to visit what your attitude to sightseeing is You have to talk continuously. Вариант 32 Task 1.

Rowling, a British author. The eight books in the series have sold over 500 million copies across the world in over 70 languages and it is the best-selling book series of all time. The last book of the series was released on 21 July 2007.

All of these books have been made into movies. How long have you been learning English? Where and how do you learn English?

Вопрос: Do you have any sports facilities? Flights to London. Вопрос: Do you have flights to London?

Цены, деньги, оплата Price for a lesson. Вопрос: What is the price for one lesson? Membership fee.

Вопрос: What is the membership fee? Количество уроков, людей в группе. Number of members in the club.

Вопрос: How many members are there in the club? Вопрос : How many bridges are there to visit? Предложения чего-либо скидки, жилье, виды услуг или товаров.

Vegetarian dishes. Вопрос: Do you offer any vegetarian dishes? Accommodation for the night.

Вопрос: Do you offer any accommodation for the night? Discounts for students. Вопрос: Do you offer any discounts for students?

Даты, время и длительность урока, перелёта, поездки Duration of the trip. Вопрос: How long is the trip? Opening hours.

Вопрос: What are the opening hours? Departure dates. Вопрос : What are the departure dates?

Дигитал тренажер успех каждого ребенка ответы. Тренажер классного руководителя. Тренажер по устному английскому ЕГЭ.

ЕГЭ устная часть английский 2022. Устная часть ЕГЭ английский 2021. Описание картинки ЕГЭ.

Задание описание картинки. Вопросы для ЕГЭ по английскому. Задание 2 английский язык ЕГЭ устная часть.

Картинки для описания. ЕГЭ английский 2022 устная часть задание 2. Говорение ЕГЭ английский 2022.

ЕГЭ английский задания. ЕГЭ по английскому языку говорение. Задание 2 ЕГЭ английский устная часть.

Устный экзамен по английскому. Устный английский ЕГЭ. Вербицкая ЕГЭ фото.

Сравнение картинок по английскому. Прокачай английский. Устная часть по английскому.

Задание говорение ЕГЭ английский. Устная часть ЕГЭ по английскому. ОГЭ английский устная часть.

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В устной части экзамена проверяются умения говорения и языковые навыки. Смотрите также:.

Возможна оплата при получении - "наложенный платеж". Упаковка и отправка компанией ShiptorПримерные сроки доставки: Подмосковье - до 10 дней, Чукотский АО - до 25 дней Получение заказа на терминале транспортной компании. Заказ отправляется после оплаты. Стоимость доставки оплачивается при получении.

Разумеется, раздел будет постепенно пополняться новыми вариантами. И настоятельно рекомендуем набивать руку: письмо и эссе отправляйте на проверку нашему эксперту. Шлите репорты, если заметили какую-нибудь неточность в заданиях.

Чтение ЕГЭ английский. Лайфхаки английского языка ЕГЭ. Устный английский ЕГЭ. Вебинар по написанию сочинения ЕГЭ. Гаджиева ЕГЭ 2022 английский. Speaking 2022 Svetlana English. ЕГЭ задание 32-38. ЕГЭ по английскому языку задания 32-38. Задание 32-38 английский ЕГЭ шпаргалки. English with Svetlana. Тренажер по устному английскому ЕГЭ.


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  • Svetlana english егэ
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ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть. Тренажер. Мультимедийное учебное пособие

Юлия Веселова: ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть. Тренажер (CD) Онлайн Тренажер ОГЭ\ЕГЭ Svetlana English Online. Онлайн тренажер устной части ЕГЭ.
Svetlana English Online - YouTube Согласно проекту демоверсии ЕГЭ 2024, формулировки в задании 4 устной части ЕГЭ изменились, и я тоже сразу внесла коррективы, чтобы вы с учениками могли сразу тренироваться.
Новая школа: подготовка к ЕГЭ с нуля Speaking svetlana english. Картинки для сравнения на английском. Сравнение двух картинок. ЕГЭ английский говорение задание 4. Задание ЕГЭ на говорение. Говорение ЕГЭ английский. Задание 4 ЕГЭ английский устная часть. ЕГЭ сравнение. Сравнение фотографии ЕГЭ.
Онлайн тренажёр ЕГЭ егэ, ОГЭ, онлайн-тренажёр, SvetlanaEnglishOnline, устная часть.
Решать ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2024. Тесты ЕГЭ по английскому Светлана устная часть ЕГЭ. Svetlana English online тренажер.

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